The Jam...
A lot of Realness
Watch Out Now!

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Read The Book
I just got back from Cali, and just a preview, I had so much crazy shit happen to me the entire time I was there, that I'm a have to write a book. Look for it..."Everything I Ever Learned In My Life Was From Tour."
Friday, May 21, 2010
On That Note...
I don't have much to say to yens tonight. I since Sunday, things have been pretty chill. I decided to drop the price of my bedroom suit, since I found out these clubs I have are worth $1200, so I have room to play. I'll feel more up to informing y'alls tomorrow, so keep up! I think that I won't be doing this, being blogging, too very much before I leave, but make sure and stay tuned, there's gonna be some good stuff going on!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I learned most everything I learned from watching Televison...
First off I'll tell you of this weekend, Saturday night, Homeboy, still unnamed, and I were both without whips, so we catch a ride to Rhapsody. There we ponder the future of our evening. Miss Heatha' comes to pick up Homeboy, and before she arrived, I found out about a party that is right next to her house, to which once she arrived, I told her about. We eventually migrate that way, not arriving until late night! We get there, after stopping at her house for her to change out of her work clothes, as she had just gotten off of work, and it was a collection of my Best Friends from growing up, which is another party of people that I needed to see before I left. One of the only people who was not there from the group of growing up people was my Homeboy Nate. He was my very best friend growing up, and I think I have spoke of him before, but he was a huge knit in the fabric of who I am today, without him I just wouldn't be the person that I am today! Well he had already gone to sleep, seeing as he had some girl in his tent, but that's his story! He wakes up, after a while, said that he was awaken by said girl in his tent going to the bathroom and heard voices by the fire, then thought that he needed to come and see whats going on, which I'm so very glad that he did, seeing as he is on my Bucket List. This goes back to me saying that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!!!! Nate woke up so that we could kick it like we used to do All of The Time, seeing as we were in a camping setting on the regs whilst kids, so Momma wouldn't find out about us getting drunk, until the Law said something, and I do not camp anymore!!! After time I get a bit inebriated and wind up messing with the fire, as fire and drinking go together like flour and water, to make that slow dough. Of course, I end up burning the everliving Bajeezus out of myself on the back of my ankle, but it's part of it. If I had actually left this "camping adventure" without any scars or scrapes then I'd a been extremely surprised!!! Whilst there, one of the first people I saw, was my stylist, or Hair Doer, Sha-na-na, from Mitchell Robert Studios, go see her! That was one of the "reasons" I went there. My Homeboy Drew, who lives down the street from me, wakes up and is leaving for home, so I got a ride from him.
Sunday I wake, late as all, and call my ex, in order to have a night with her, apologizing for the way that I treated her in breaking up. She had told me when we first got together, that if we break up, Do Not drag it out, which is what was going on in our situation. So, in respecting her wishes, I acted like a total asshole, not like I would normally act, and that's how it ended. I felt so very bad about it, as well as just needed to let her know I appreciated her for the role she played in my life, if you read, then you know. I needed last night before I left for California. Have No Regrets in your life is one of the things I learned from my ex, and is another reason why I needed her in my life! Well I felt much better, as I hope she did also.
Today was a good day in my world!!!! I arise at 10 am and eat cereal. Our flavors of the week in cereal are Blueberry, for one, and Chocolate Delight or something along those lines. They are some Post Brand baked something or other, and I think that they would be Stellar if, and when mixed! I'm thinking tomorrow! I'm a miss TreTre and his Special Choice of Cereals when I leave. I guess I'll just have to buy my own Cereal, like a Big Boy now in California!
I sit about for quite sometime, until I borrow TreTre's whip to run to my Folks Dry Cleaners at Three. I leave the house and go to my coffee spot, being Aretha's, and meet the Fresh Meat there. I think her name is Lindsey, or something, y'all know how I am with names, and if you don''s real bad! The coffee was so extremely full that I almost wore the thing, but nonetheless it's Aretha's Espresso and was good! Then I go to the Folks Cleaners, where my Father and I sit and talk a bit about me going to Cali and how my Dog is getting there, to which I reply a dog transporting service. We then continue our talk about Cali and then he asks about my ticket, which is one of the reasons that I was there, Mama had told me they were gonna buy it and to stop by at Three on Monday. I then get online and they buy me a ticket, or I found it and bought it with their card. I leave at 6:15 on June 1, Muse just FYI, but wioll need to arrive by 5. Then we talk some more, and I leave after seeing Mama!
I then retreat home where I encounter a aggravated TreTre, who tells me some unnerving news about how he was not unhappy, or aggravated until he moved in here. I was kinda hurt, but understood. I have been a Dickhead to him, way too much for how great of a Roommate he has been to me! I only wish that he could understand how much the Shit he is, and means to me! However him and I just talked and he told me what was up, and we cleared it up a bit. I am starting up my last 2 weeks in Chatty, I gotta make them worth it! I call it my Chattanooga Bucket list, the things I have got to do before I go to Cali. I am doing a good job, but still lack a bunch of money!
Later, one of my Homies comes to pick me up, and gets more lost than anyone in the history of me living here at this spot. Granted it is confusing to get here, but I have never had anyone lost that bad! His phone was dying, which when I realized that he was lost, 20 minutes after we had last talked when he was Five Minutes away, I call and his phone had already died. After a bit, he calls back and tells me that he had to go home to get his charger for his phone and come back. He still gets Madd lost! I finally find out exactly where he is at, and get him over to my house, at which point I was STARVING and Diamonds is about to close their grill. I call into there to order food and the only thing that they had left was Chicken Fries and Tots. We, being Ryan, Zach, my computer Guru who is moving to Cali the same time that I am, and I arrive at the Spot, eat the food, and engage in spirits. I saw one of my Homies, who picked up Tim Duty and we go back to his house in order for I to check out his ramp that he had built in his back yard of Sheet Metal, which if I still skated would, try and ride, but most likely would wimp out of doing such actions. He told me that most Street Skaters are intimidated by this thing. I mean it's made of Sheet Metal, and prolly doesn't feel to good to bust ass on! Karliss calls, as I was waiting on him to get off work to Holla'. After talking with Gene for a bit, he gave me a ride home, which was just over the hill. Kariss shows up with one of his friends from work. Homeboy stays and kicks it a bit longer, but then departs briskly, after drinking a beer with us. Karliss, Mike and I sat around a bit, and since Karliss is my California Confidant, him and I discuss more about such. After some time, they leave, and I get to finish my mindless dribble to ya'll folk!
I would have to say that these past few days have been good for my Bucket List. I got to see, actually a collection of High School Memories! Nate, and those kids, Karliss, who I first met at Nate's house in High School since he was friends with his older Sister, Homeboy with the ramp, which I have heard about for years but never seen, and who also used to sell me beer when I was young in High School, Ex whom I needed to talk with in order to not leave with her thinking I was a Douche, I also obtained my plane ticket! This has been a great few days, which is why I have not been keepin' yens up, but it's time for me to bid yens adieu, and furthermore Keep it Real, and Keep Up with it! Peace!
Sunday I wake, late as all, and call my ex, in order to have a night with her, apologizing for the way that I treated her in breaking up. She had told me when we first got together, that if we break up, Do Not drag it out, which is what was going on in our situation. So, in respecting her wishes, I acted like a total asshole, not like I would normally act, and that's how it ended. I felt so very bad about it, as well as just needed to let her know I appreciated her for the role she played in my life, if you read, then you know. I needed last night before I left for California. Have No Regrets in your life is one of the things I learned from my ex, and is another reason why I needed her in my life! Well I felt much better, as I hope she did also.
Today was a good day in my world!!!! I arise at 10 am and eat cereal. Our flavors of the week in cereal are Blueberry, for one, and Chocolate Delight or something along those lines. They are some Post Brand baked something or other, and I think that they would be Stellar if, and when mixed! I'm thinking tomorrow! I'm a miss TreTre and his Special Choice of Cereals when I leave. I guess I'll just have to buy my own Cereal, like a Big Boy now in California!
I sit about for quite sometime, until I borrow TreTre's whip to run to my Folks Dry Cleaners at Three. I leave the house and go to my coffee spot, being Aretha's, and meet the Fresh Meat there. I think her name is Lindsey, or something, y'all know how I am with names, and if you don''s real bad! The coffee was so extremely full that I almost wore the thing, but nonetheless it's Aretha's Espresso and was good! Then I go to the Folks Cleaners, where my Father and I sit and talk a bit about me going to Cali and how my Dog is getting there, to which I reply a dog transporting service. We then continue our talk about Cali and then he asks about my ticket, which is one of the reasons that I was there, Mama had told me they were gonna buy it and to stop by at Three on Monday. I then get online and they buy me a ticket, or I found it and bought it with their card. I leave at 6:15 on June 1, Muse just FYI, but wioll need to arrive by 5. Then we talk some more, and I leave after seeing Mama!
I then retreat home where I encounter a aggravated TreTre, who tells me some unnerving news about how he was not unhappy, or aggravated until he moved in here. I was kinda hurt, but understood. I have been a Dickhead to him, way too much for how great of a Roommate he has been to me! I only wish that he could understand how much the Shit he is, and means to me! However him and I just talked and he told me what was up, and we cleared it up a bit. I am starting up my last 2 weeks in Chatty, I gotta make them worth it! I call it my Chattanooga Bucket list, the things I have got to do before I go to Cali. I am doing a good job, but still lack a bunch of money!
Later, one of my Homies comes to pick me up, and gets more lost than anyone in the history of me living here at this spot. Granted it is confusing to get here, but I have never had anyone lost that bad! His phone was dying, which when I realized that he was lost, 20 minutes after we had last talked when he was Five Minutes away, I call and his phone had already died. After a bit, he calls back and tells me that he had to go home to get his charger for his phone and come back. He still gets Madd lost! I finally find out exactly where he is at, and get him over to my house, at which point I was STARVING and Diamonds is about to close their grill. I call into there to order food and the only thing that they had left was Chicken Fries and Tots. We, being Ryan, Zach, my computer Guru who is moving to Cali the same time that I am, and I arrive at the Spot, eat the food, and engage in spirits. I saw one of my Homies, who picked up Tim Duty and we go back to his house in order for I to check out his ramp that he had built in his back yard of Sheet Metal, which if I still skated would, try and ride, but most likely would wimp out of doing such actions. He told me that most Street Skaters are intimidated by this thing. I mean it's made of Sheet Metal, and prolly doesn't feel to good to bust ass on! Karliss calls, as I was waiting on him to get off work to Holla'. After talking with Gene for a bit, he gave me a ride home, which was just over the hill. Kariss shows up with one of his friends from work. Homeboy stays and kicks it a bit longer, but then departs briskly, after drinking a beer with us. Karliss, Mike and I sat around a bit, and since Karliss is my California Confidant, him and I discuss more about such. After some time, they leave, and I get to finish my mindless dribble to ya'll folk!
I would have to say that these past few days have been good for my Bucket List. I got to see, actually a collection of High School Memories! Nate, and those kids, Karliss, who I first met at Nate's house in High School since he was friends with his older Sister, Homeboy with the ramp, which I have heard about for years but never seen, and who also used to sell me beer when I was young in High School, Ex whom I needed to talk with in order to not leave with her thinking I was a Douche, I also obtained my plane ticket! This has been a great few days, which is why I have not been keepin' yens up, but it's time for me to bid yens adieu, and furthermore Keep it Real, and Keep Up with it! Peace!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Toss It Up...
Tonight was Miss Abby & I night, which I was totally excited about! I woke today to Sha-na-na, who is my hair stylist, as I cannot just get my hair cut by a normal Barber cause I have, pardon the phrase, but "Black People Hair" as I've been told by many Stylists, I'm not racist, so stop the judgment!!! Growing up, when I graduated from High School, I had a huge Afro, if we be friends on FacedBook, check out my profile photo, which eventually turned into Dread Locks, hence the name Nappy. It was Booh, a.k.a. Suges, a.k.a. Muse & I but it just kept making me sad everytime that I checked my FaceCrack, because she's not around anymore, so it was a must that I changed it! Back to it, I had made an appointment yesterday at 2:45 pm to get my hair did, which I had already thought that it was a bad idea, cause since I'm unemployed and all, I don't wake till late! Well, I awake to this text from Sha-na-na asking if I was coming or not, I respond that I was on my way, threw clothes on, asked TreTre for his car and split. Luckily the place is literally right down the road from me, so I followed through with great haste! Arrive and she informs me that she had booked an appointment after me in an attempt to make some quick, extra money. I retort to her that she should not try and do anything that has to do with me, in a hurry, and that she should know that, what with her having been my stylist for the past four or five years. Then I inform her that this will be the last time that she will cut my hair until I return for my, possible baby's birth. Didn't say all that, but told her until... To this she replies about how she is sad because of that!
I leave the Mitchell Robert Studio, at the corner of Dayton Blvd. and Morrison Springs in Chattanooga, TN, looking fine as Frog Hair, mind you! I had to get it done up for Booh tonight! I then come home to go back to sleep for a minute. After a bit, Michi and Brandon come by, so I arise out of bed to greet them. We talk for a bit, and then B, I'mma call him this cause I don't like having to type out Brandon, voluntarily goes to pick up some beer, which was Much appreciated! We all kick it for a bit on the back porch, as it was a nice day out. Then Suges shows up which Mich has been wanting to meet her for a bit, cause she knows how happy she makes me! Anywho, Booh shows up, and meets Michi, which as I said is the only reason for Michi sticking around, so her & B leave, as well as Karliss, who had just shown up a bit ago, but still they left. Suges and I go to our spots, being Rhapsody and Diamond Billiards Club, I figure I'm leaving so reveal my spots, IDGAF, meaning that I Don't Give A F*Ck! Hopefully these spots may get more business and make more money, since I got so many people reading my stuff and all!
We go back to my house after these places, now her & I have had many a incredible conversation in our association, tonight was one of those locales, I thought at least! We go back to my house to col' kick it for...sometime, and then we had this talk I speak of, during which, I tell her of all of these qualities about her that I am enamored about! She is not against all of it, but nothing happened, I respect the woman with all of my being! Plus she has got a boyfriend, an appetizer, which I respect! She then leaves, and some of my Homies from Steamboat come by, since they were in town. TreTre arrives home from school early to then chill with us for a bit and then haste off to bed, which I should do as well, seeing as that would be the end of my story, but I Miss Muse...Badly!!! Have a nice morning, day & night Infer-World!
I leave the Mitchell Robert Studio, at the corner of Dayton Blvd. and Morrison Springs in Chattanooga, TN, looking fine as Frog Hair, mind you! I had to get it done up for Booh tonight! I then come home to go back to sleep for a minute. After a bit, Michi and Brandon come by, so I arise out of bed to greet them. We talk for a bit, and then B, I'mma call him this cause I don't like having to type out Brandon, voluntarily goes to pick up some beer, which was Much appreciated! We all kick it for a bit on the back porch, as it was a nice day out. Then Suges shows up which Mich has been wanting to meet her for a bit, cause she knows how happy she makes me! Anywho, Booh shows up, and meets Michi, which as I said is the only reason for Michi sticking around, so her & B leave, as well as Karliss, who had just shown up a bit ago, but still they left. Suges and I go to our spots, being Rhapsody and Diamond Billiards Club, I figure I'm leaving so reveal my spots, IDGAF, meaning that I Don't Give A F*Ck! Hopefully these spots may get more business and make more money, since I got so many people reading my stuff and all!
We go back to my house after these places, now her & I have had many a incredible conversation in our association, tonight was one of those locales, I thought at least! We go back to my house to col' kick it for...sometime, and then we had this talk I speak of, during which, I tell her of all of these qualities about her that I am enamored about! She is not against all of it, but nothing happened, I respect the woman with all of my being! Plus she has got a boyfriend, an appetizer, which I respect! She then leaves, and some of my Homies from Steamboat come by, since they were in town. TreTre arrives home from school early to then chill with us for a bit and then haste off to bed, which I should do as well, seeing as that would be the end of my story, but I Miss Muse...Badly!!! Have a nice morning, day & night Infer-World!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Too Much To Think About!!!
As I lie there in my bed, annoyed at the fact that I had millions of things running through my head, I still tried to go to sleep, as hard as I could. Imagining just the color Black, the face of my Muse pops up in my head, or I sit and wonder about if I will be able to make the money needed by the allotted time, or not. Then back to my Muse, I miss her terribly y'all! This will be much harder than originally expected, but I only got 3 more weeks of it left! She gave me a copy of "Into The Wild
" by John Krakauer, and I don't know if y'all are familiar with it or not, but it is about this well-off kid, who desires to be a kind of Leo Tolstoy, as in he gives up all of his belongings and ventures across the United States from Virginia and up to Alaska. Throughout this 2 year span, of wild adventures, helped out by many a kind folk, to whom he tells his story and shares his excitement about venturing to Stampede Trail in Alaska and living off the land. He arrives there and ends up starving to death, being found by 6 people, from 3 separate parties, who travel all of this distance to this random location in Alaska 25 miles from the highway, and as he says..."These days it isn't unusual for six or seven months to pass without the bus being seen by a human visitor." My ex showed me this movie, which I always say that I appreciate her for the role she played in my life, and this was one of the actions that needed to happen that she made happen in my life! She showed me this movie, and it, most certainly, started this thought in my head about actually being able to move to California. Eventually, I started taking actions to be able to do so, as well as started kickin' it with my Muse during this whole time. We then formed a bond, and were talking one day, as I mention this movie, she tells me that she has 2 copies of the book, and that she will give me one for my trip. This made me uber happy, as I said the movie sparked something in my soul! So she gives me this copy the day before yesterday, and writes me a little message in the cover, that is so Muse that it makes me smile when I look at it! She came by and saw me today, for the last time for a bit. I guess that's why she's all over my mind!
As I lay there in bed, the words of my father keep running through my head, "I give you 3 years, and the phone will be ringing, you're saying that you're coming home." At least he is finally down with me leaving, and not saying stuff like, "It's gonna be hard Tim! I don't know if you can handle it"... and other things of that nature. I guess it took me going in there today just to talk to him and see how he was doing and just talk, and not have him yell at me about something that I have done. It was good to just be able to talk to my Father again. He seemed supportive, and told me that my Mother wants to buy my plane ticket out there, which was fine with me, saves me $200, and it's good to have their support!
After a while of me laying there, my phone rings, it's Karliss. He asks whats up, I tell him I'm laying in bed. He then says that he is sorry, and let's me go. I again attempt sleep, and have all kinds of stuff running through my head...still, then remember of the bottle of vino in my Dresser that belongs to Muse, but she had told told me to drink with my no car having ass. I pop up outta bed and holla' back at Karliss to ask him what he's up to and to grab a 12 pack and come by, as I cannot sleep. To this he says word, and is now about to show up with beer and company, so I do not have to lie there and stare at the celling. Thank you Infer-world for serving a purpose and letting me vent for a bit!
As I lay there in bed, the words of my father keep running through my head, "I give you 3 years, and the phone will be ringing, you're saying that you're coming home." At least he is finally down with me leaving, and not saying stuff like, "It's gonna be hard Tim! I don't know if you can handle it"... and other things of that nature. I guess it took me going in there today just to talk to him and see how he was doing and just talk, and not have him yell at me about something that I have done. It was good to just be able to talk to my Father again. He seemed supportive, and told me that my Mother wants to buy my plane ticket out there, which was fine with me, saves me $200, and it's good to have their support!
After a while of me laying there, my phone rings, it's Karliss. He asks whats up, I tell him I'm laying in bed. He then says that he is sorry, and let's me go. I again attempt sleep, and have all kinds of stuff running through my head...still, then remember of the bottle of vino in my Dresser that belongs to Muse, but she had told told me to drink with my no car having ass. I pop up outta bed and holla' back at Karliss to ask him what he's up to and to grab a 12 pack and come by, as I cannot sleep. To this he says word, and is now about to show up with beer and company, so I do not have to lie there and stare at the celling. Thank you Infer-world for serving a purpose and letting me vent for a bit!
Monday, May 10, 2010
In a Much Better Way!
Last night I went to sleep at like 12 or 12:30, which is early for me, but I knew that when I awoke this morning, hold up, let me back it up a bit, my Muse and I were talking the other day, and she had told me that she hadn't realized how much her body needed rest as she awoke on Monday and just felt incredible! To this I shared that I would love to wake up one of these days and feel like that. Guess what Infer-world, today was that day! I went to sleep and slept like a rock until like 10:30, and felt totally requvinized! Synapses firing correctly and what not.
Now to tell you of the evening which caused such unrest, my friends Carey and Tony, who gave me the Dope Bag on Tuesday as my Birthday Present, just seeing them and that made my whole Day, and Muse of course! Back on the train...they came down for my party also, and that surprised the ever-living bajeezus outta me, again made my day! Then I had friends from High School come by and all kinds of people! Right as I started getting ready for the evening, my boy Brooksie calls me and I instantly ask if he was in town or not. He replies that yes he was and would be for the next month, so I proceed to telling him that I was having the first of my series of going away/ buy stuff parties. He said he was on his way over. It started out great from the get go. I found a keg and had a friend come by to pick me up to go and get it. Did so and returned home, and realized that we needed ice. We then grabbed a trash can and went to get ice at the Ice Hut on Dayton, since it is 1.25 for 20 lbs of ice, where as gas stations have it for like $4.99 per 10 lbs bag. Then returned home and began preparation for the festivities. TreTre had cleaned the house top and bottom! I didn't have much to do.
People kept showing up, there were about a max of 30 people at one time. I sold all kinds of stuff. That helped out tons! I also have promises of people buying stuff that was too big to fit in their cars'. Muse wasn't there, who I missed, but she had work the next morning. We however, stayed up forever, finishing the keg, which we did not achieve until the following night. We sure did try though! That explains why I did not feel so well last night. I had fun, people said goodbye, however we failed to mention that it is an all month long affair, so come by and buy things and drink beer, and say goodbye to ya boy, Every Saturday in May.
I had decided that I was going to be leaving earlier than expected, but I do not think that will be possible. I now will be leaving at the regularly scheduled time of June 1st.
Now to tell you of the evening which caused such unrest, my friends Carey and Tony, who gave me the Dope Bag on Tuesday as my Birthday Present, just seeing them and that made my whole Day, and Muse of course! Back on the train...they came down for my party also, and that surprised the ever-living bajeezus outta me, again made my day! Then I had friends from High School come by and all kinds of people! Right as I started getting ready for the evening, my boy Brooksie calls me and I instantly ask if he was in town or not. He replies that yes he was and would be for the next month, so I proceed to telling him that I was having the first of my series of going away/ buy stuff parties. He said he was on his way over. It started out great from the get go. I found a keg and had a friend come by to pick me up to go and get it. Did so and returned home, and realized that we needed ice. We then grabbed a trash can and went to get ice at the Ice Hut on Dayton, since it is 1.25 for 20 lbs of ice, where as gas stations have it for like $4.99 per 10 lbs bag. Then returned home and began preparation for the festivities. TreTre had cleaned the house top and bottom! I didn't have much to do.
People kept showing up, there were about a max of 30 people at one time. I sold all kinds of stuff. That helped out tons! I also have promises of people buying stuff that was too big to fit in their cars'. Muse wasn't there, who I missed, but she had work the next morning. We however, stayed up forever, finishing the keg, which we did not achieve until the following night. We sure did try though! That explains why I did not feel so well last night. I had fun, people said goodbye, however we failed to mention that it is an all month long affair, so come by and buy things and drink beer, and say goodbye to ya boy, Every Saturday in May.
I had decided that I was going to be leaving earlier than expected, but I do not think that will be possible. I now will be leaving at the regularly scheduled time of June 1st.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Let me tell yens...I had the first of my new series of parties entitled,"Tim Tim's Going Away/ Estate Sale Party". The deal is $3 a cup, and if you come you must buy something before you leave! It was quite the ordeal. I feel like absolute Hell today! I woke at like 5ish and called my Momma, first thing, of course! I had missed like 20 calls also. Last night was so much that I can't even do this now. My Synapses aren't firing right! I'll get back at y'all tomorrow, just lettin' y'all know that I'm alive, and still going to California.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Good Bye!
Alright now infernet friends, I have been handling myself very well here recently, even though I am leaving. I have not ACTUALLY realized that I am leaving my Friends & Family. This is going to be extremely hard! Tonight, for one reason or another, I had to say good bye to my BEST friend, my Muse, Suga Momma, my Booh and it absolutely killed me! I was outside saying goodbye to her and just lost it! This move is going to happen, not without struggle though. I haven't even had to say goodbye to my long time friend Dubbins yet, and D; man that is gonna KILL me! I'm gettin all verklempt now, this is going to be bad, but the best thing in the world as well! I need this!!! I'mma big fish in a small pond, and it's now time to try out new things! This older Gentleman who had spent 30 years in Prison told a friend to never get comfortable, and that's how he made it through all that time in the Pen. Well, I am way too comfortable in this godforsaken place, which is just like the Pen, and it's time to move on!
Like I always say, Everything happens for a reason, and in my life, that is my motto! The only thing is that you have to figure out is why it all happens in your life. Which is where the Yin Yang comes into play, where there is light the is dark, and where there is dark there is light, likewise where there is good there is some bad, and when there is bad there is some good. So in every situation that occurs to you, good or bad, you need look at why this is happening in your life, look for the entities in your life that compare to the significant substance contained in those situations, and learn that from that. If this happens then you will find out what you purpose in life is. Now for me, all this has happened in the past year. It started out my Mother coming to the Dry Cleaners, riding my ass all the days. I got to the point where I did not like thinking the way that I thought about my Mother, I LOVE that woman with all of my heart, which is a whole different story of how much I will miss her, but she is kinda why I'm doing this, for her! So I quit, went through all of these lame jobs, but had to do someting, then from that I realized that there is nothing for me in Chattanooga to make me the money that I need.
I have always wanted to move to Cali, since Grammar School, when we played that game Oregon Trail, game description:
Like I always say, Everything happens for a reason, and in my life, that is my motto! The only thing is that you have to figure out is why it all happens in your life. Which is where the Yin Yang comes into play, where there is light the is dark, and where there is dark there is light, likewise where there is good there is some bad, and when there is bad there is some good. So in every situation that occurs to you, good or bad, you need look at why this is happening in your life, look for the entities in your life that compare to the significant substance contained in those situations, and learn that from that. If this happens then you will find out what you purpose in life is. Now for me, all this has happened in the past year. It started out my Mother coming to the Dry Cleaners, riding my ass all the days. I got to the point where I did not like thinking the way that I thought about my Mother, I LOVE that woman with all of my heart, which is a whole different story of how much I will miss her, but she is kinda why I'm doing this, for her! So I quit, went through all of these lame jobs, but had to do someting, then from that I realized that there is nothing for me in Chattanooga to make me the money that I need.
I have always wanted to move to Cali, since Grammar School, when we played that game Oregon Trail, game description:
Try taking a journey by covered wagon across 2000 miles of plains, rivers, and mountains. Try! On the plains, will you slosh your oxen through mud and water-filled ruts or will you plod through dust six inches deep?
How will you cross the rivers? If you have money, you might take a ferry (if there is a ferry). Or, you can ford the river and hope you and your wagon aren't swallowed alive!
What about supplies? Well, if you're low on food you can hunt. You might get a buffalo... you might. And there are bear in the mountains.
At the Dalles, you can try navigating the Columbia River, but if running the rapids with a makeshift raft makes you queasy, better take the Barlow Road.
If for some reason you don't survive -- your wagon burns, or thieves steal your oxen, or you run out of provisions, or you die of cholera -- don't give up! Try again... and again... until your name is up with the others on The Oregon Trail Top Ten.
...This got me into westward travel, and then when I graduated from there, in 6th grade, and went to Baylor. I was way into the 60's and everything that occured in the Bay Area at that point. I was way into the Grateful Dead, which is California. California was an interesting thing to me. Something I wanted sometime!
At some point I moved to Riverview, where I met my First Best Friend, that meant anything in my life, Nate Card, we were way into the Hippie movement, and just debauchery! From that I learned I liked the non-conformist angle. There are a lot of meaning for this, this was my upbringing, my development. Through him I met Ian, who followed the Grateful Dead for a bit, I always looked up to him for that, because I never got to see them! I was caught doing something bad at Baylor, was kicked out and then was not let go to the show! Back to the point, that happened so that I would be into the tour scene, which I did and conquered it from '98 - '01.
While at Baylor, 7th grade, I met my BFF, as Gay as that sounds, he is, and we have stuck together through all kinds of things throughout the years. We went on the "last Phish tour" in '00 together, and were Balling! Had his Dog, Mia, Measery Doo, Measles what have you, but she was our watch dog while we were sleeping in his small ass Nissan truck, I'mma miss her also! But we met so that I could pick up on the Urban Side of music, i.e. DJing, also part of the Cali thing. Well, he has been my go to person thoroughout my whole recovery from the accident, me having to learn everything over again. Well D had a lot to do with all of that as well! When I was kicked out of Baylor, I went to Red Bank High School. Next thing I know DL is also there. We been through it together! Got madd Love for the both of them! D and I have lived together for basically 8 years previously. He has done so much for me, and meant so much to me throughout my entire young adulthood and adulthood! He is my Brother!!! It's gonna be Hell saying bye to all of these people! Point being that if I had not met these people I would have never been as adventurous as I was, well my Biological Mother lived on the Savannah river and that also has, actually, everything to do with the reason that I surrounded myself with this crew! From all of this previously mentioned people, I took how to be a real genuine and nice person, and what not, talking about back in the day.
I graduate Red Bank and then finally get to do what I had been desiring for 6 or 8 years, to travel out west. I was girted a 1998 Toyota Tacoma and a gas card for graduation to use on my trip, yes I'm excessively fortunate, and thankful! Well I travel to Montana then down to Texas, back home, and we then leave for Phish Tour, which begins in George, WA at the George Ampitheater. We follow them to San Fran, and come home. Then more travels, yada, yada.
I move to Boone, meet some straight Panic Kids, who abducted me, took me on tour, where I realized they were great! I followed them and met 1000's of kids all across the country, and I make a lasting impression, as I"m a very interesting individual, so they, mostly, all liked ya' boy, plus I'm Good People! Well that happened so that I could meet people who were going to be out there in Cali to pave the way for me. Back on subject, past year...I had this girlfriend, who I broke up with, but she did give me the strength to quit my family dry cleaners, so I quit the Dry cleaners, which was the first step out. Through her, I also met the most incredible woman that I had ever even thought of meeting in my entire life, and that helped me tons this past few months, because without her I would have gone absolutely crazy in this town. I treasure this girl for the role she played in my life, without her, I'da never quit, nor met the people I know now! Tonight was the last night that we will be able to kick it as we have been, due to circumstances beyond my control. This is the reason for mew writing this tonight, cause I been messed up! Which bring us full circle, now I'm going to do everything in my power to get out of this town, sell my stuff everywhere, be active! I'm now out, so peace Chattanooga! Love Ya, but it's time for me to fly! So I forsee 2, 3weeks tops!!! I'm out!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Best Birfday in the Entire Existance of Tim
I had a very interesting Birthday Weekend! Of course, I have been with my Muse all weekend, or since Thursday. Saturday comes, which I was up late the night before, and didn't wake for the yard sale until Tonya, from Rhapsody came in, and asked about me. Despite the fact that I woke up at noon, after millions of people came through and bought little amounts of stuff, Plus I awoke to one of my best friends in the bed with me, butt ass nekid as I was also! I was obviously confused as all get out, seeing as I had no recollection of even going to bed! Nothing happened between us, but still it was odd! On top of all of that, I realize that my cell phone, as well as some of my belongings are M.I.A. Luckily I have a number of extra phones, seeing as this type scenario happens more than I like to admit! I turned one of them on, so as to have a phone on my birthday.
The night before I had given my Booh $20 & a list of things I needed from the store, seeing as I have no vehicle, and ask her to pick up my cleaning, as I had none of my nice clothes and it's right next door to her house. Well she accomplishes these tasks and returns to me, thinking that she was going to the gym, however we were up way late the night before talking with one another. We were coercing, as we always do, looking at FacedBook, and see something about Phish 3D playing at this movie theater in town. Us, being the not so fresh headed folk this day, went ahead and ordered tickets online. She was not feeling much into the gym that day, and returns home to sleep and what not.
She returns at 6, and we go to DBC for food and spirits, pregame of sorts, thinking we would only be there for a minute. Eight o'clock rolls around and we realize that we were madd late, so we hurry down. Upon arrival we see one of my homegirls, who her and her BF had just traded their tickets for another night, so we followed suit, and decided to trade for Wednesday, and we then went on about our merry little way. Went to Rhapsody, which is always fun! Then to DBC, maybe, this weekend kinda was blurry, since it was my birthday.
Saturday was the night that we went out for my birthday and had a blast! D & I went out for most the night, he eventually left, I waited on Booh, or something like that. Her and I kicked it and yada yada. Then Sunday, my actual birthday, we didn't do much, seeing as I didn't wake until like 6 or 7, but then Booh came and got me, we went to eat at Bossmans house, and then was just going to go to the house, but one of my Homies calls and tells me he wants to buy me a drink for my day of birth. We go there to meet him and then Booh decides to leave, against her own aspiration, would have just been the best idea as she had to work this morning. Now you guys know how I fell about this girl, weather I have told you or not, you can just tell it when I write about her, if not I'm silly about this girl. She makes me want to better myself, which is huge in the Book of Tim, as I don't do that!
We sit there and kick it with my Homies for some time. Upon her exit, I walked her to her car, as I do always, just making sure she's safe! This time though, we get to the car and she gets in, and y'all we have almost kissed goodbye millions of times, it was just not time yet! I looked her in her eyes, and just went in for it, kinda hoping what happened would happen, but y'all I was just astounded at the fireworks, that were going off. I was having troubles walking afterwords, but manage to make it back inside. I had this look on my face of pure satisfaction. I'm tellin' yens that this girl is the greatest thing I have ever even heard existing! Not that I'm putting her up on a pedestal, but she is all that and a bag of Funyuns! In order for me to know how she felt, I needed that to be done, and now I know.
Next was DBC and we had a few drinks there from where I tried getting a ride home from everyone, since I was just dropped off there, where tons of my peeps were there. I talked with them, went to the bathroom, and they had all left by the time I returned. I tried getting Sarah, one of the waitresses, to give me a ride home, thinking she would live around there, but did not, nor had a working car. On top of all of this, my phone was also dead. The only phone number that I could remember was D's, so I called him from the house line, he comes to get me, then he and I sat up speaking of the nights events. I go to sleep, wake today at like late, again. I talk to Booh, who says she just got off work, and wanted to come kick it.. She does. all I ever really look for in a day to make it a great day is kick it with her, we talk about last night, and how it made her and I feel, which was great. Then we talk about her current situation, as well as mine, and how I want her involved in it. She eventually leaves, and I get started updating yens. Tomorrow is Panic in Chatty, which is my Birthday Show, as well as going away party-ish. Moral of the story is that my life is trying it's damnedest to get better! Yay for ol' Tim! And now it's time for rest, so until next time...
The night before I had given my Booh $20 & a list of things I needed from the store, seeing as I have no vehicle, and ask her to pick up my cleaning, as I had none of my nice clothes and it's right next door to her house. Well she accomplishes these tasks and returns to me, thinking that she was going to the gym, however we were up way late the night before talking with one another. We were coercing, as we always do, looking at FacedBook, and see something about Phish 3D playing at this movie theater in town. Us, being the not so fresh headed folk this day, went ahead and ordered tickets online. She was not feeling much into the gym that day, and returns home to sleep and what not.
She returns at 6, and we go to DBC for food and spirits, pregame of sorts, thinking we would only be there for a minute. Eight o'clock rolls around and we realize that we were madd late, so we hurry down. Upon arrival we see one of my homegirls, who her and her BF had just traded their tickets for another night, so we followed suit, and decided to trade for Wednesday, and we then went on about our merry little way. Went to Rhapsody, which is always fun! Then to DBC, maybe, this weekend kinda was blurry, since it was my birthday.
Saturday was the night that we went out for my birthday and had a blast! D & I went out for most the night, he eventually left, I waited on Booh, or something like that. Her and I kicked it and yada yada. Then Sunday, my actual birthday, we didn't do much, seeing as I didn't wake until like 6 or 7, but then Booh came and got me, we went to eat at Bossmans house, and then was just going to go to the house, but one of my Homies calls and tells me he wants to buy me a drink for my day of birth. We go there to meet him and then Booh decides to leave, against her own aspiration, would have just been the best idea as she had to work this morning. Now you guys know how I fell about this girl, weather I have told you or not, you can just tell it when I write about her, if not I'm silly about this girl. She makes me want to better myself, which is huge in the Book of Tim, as I don't do that!
We sit there and kick it with my Homies for some time. Upon her exit, I walked her to her car, as I do always, just making sure she's safe! This time though, we get to the car and she gets in, and y'all we have almost kissed goodbye millions of times, it was just not time yet! I looked her in her eyes, and just went in for it, kinda hoping what happened would happen, but y'all I was just astounded at the fireworks, that were going off. I was having troubles walking afterwords, but manage to make it back inside. I had this look on my face of pure satisfaction. I'm tellin' yens that this girl is the greatest thing I have ever even heard existing! Not that I'm putting her up on a pedestal, but she is all that and a bag of Funyuns! In order for me to know how she felt, I needed that to be done, and now I know.
Next was DBC and we had a few drinks there from where I tried getting a ride home from everyone, since I was just dropped off there, where tons of my peeps were there. I talked with them, went to the bathroom, and they had all left by the time I returned. I tried getting Sarah, one of the waitresses, to give me a ride home, thinking she would live around there, but did not, nor had a working car. On top of all of this, my phone was also dead. The only phone number that I could remember was D's, so I called him from the house line, he comes to get me, then he and I sat up speaking of the nights events. I go to sleep, wake today at like late, again. I talk to Booh, who says she just got off work, and wanted to come kick it.. She does. all I ever really look for in a day to make it a great day is kick it with her, we talk about last night, and how it made her and I feel, which was great. Then we talk about her current situation, as well as mine, and how I want her involved in it. She eventually leaves, and I get started updating yens. Tomorrow is Panic in Chatty, which is my Birthday Show, as well as going away party-ish. Moral of the story is that my life is trying it's damnedest to get better! Yay for ol' Tim! And now it's time for rest, so until next time...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sorry Bout the Missing in Action...
I do apologize for not being around and enlightening y'alls with love dropplets in your eyes, but I have had a lot going on, what with the sale and everything, but, alas, tonight is not going to be much different, as I just have encountered the most incredible night, with some extraordinary company and would not write a good blog. It would be biased towards the act of having the great company, so in order to ensure that I do a good number for yens, I am gonna let this evening marinate for a night and hit y'alls back tomorrow, or at some point this weekend, as I'm having my Estate sale this weekend, or Saturday, and all month long...610 Highview Dr, and will be sitting around the house all day Saturday, with plenty of time to write! Come on and buy stuff! Furniture, clothes, kitchen stuff, dishwasher, all kinds of stuff, DVD players, CD players, endless amounts!!! Well, all I gots to say is...Word! On a side note, my birthday is on Sunday, and we's goin' out on Saturday for it, cause at midnight it's on like Donkey Kong!!!! Tre needs a place to stay if anyone is looking for a roommate, he's the best one I've had in Chatty, next to D.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Estate Sale Day #1...
Woke up today at 8AM, just like I said that I was going to, after getting to sleep around 6:30AM. Tired as a Mutha', I went and put signs up for my sale and got TreTre and I breakfast at Bojangles, which was well deserved! I think part of the reason that I could not sleep last night was from hunger, not that we have no food at my house, quite the opposite, but I just was too wrapped up in Estate Sale organization to have eaten dinner last night, and just snacked. So around 3 when I twas trying to sleep, it was not working, plus that like 5 hour nap I took in the afternoon!
After the Bojangles, someone finally showed up, they were some Randy's, but then right behind them were 2 of my Homies, who bought a CD of Pearl Jam Ten, and 2 Beck discs for $15, that was paid in check form. But then I put on some music, The Grateful Dead, a great Rainy Day choice of chilled out, everybody can enjoy music, and Michi came through with her Mother, who bought tons of stuff, then by the lady who co-owns Rhapsody came through and bought tons of stuff as well. Then my boys who bought not much, but something. Then came the rain, which was torrential! So it's been a good day so far! Then TreTre made a lunch with Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches, a salad consisting of Spinach, Carrots, Bacon Bits, topped with a Raspberry Vinaigrette, then Garnished with Strawberries & Apples, quite the delectable mid-afternoon estate sale rainy day treat!
The rest of my day was quite lame, with maybe 2 or 3 more customers, a lot of me sittin' on the computer, some Ramen Noodles, and Ice Cream Bar, and that's about it, well my Muse did also come by post workout, which is always excellent. The Rain Killed our Moving Sale Round #1, and ya boy is tired, so prolly going to bed in a bit. Peace!
After the Bojangles, someone finally showed up, they were some Randy's, but then right behind them were 2 of my Homies, who bought a CD of Pearl Jam Ten, and 2 Beck discs for $15, that was paid in check form. But then I put on some music, The Grateful Dead, a great Rainy Day choice of chilled out, everybody can enjoy music, and Michi came through with her Mother, who bought tons of stuff, then by the lady who co-owns Rhapsody came through and bought tons of stuff as well. Then my boys who bought not much, but something. Then came the rain, which was torrential! So it's been a good day so far! Then TreTre made a lunch with Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches, a salad consisting of Spinach, Carrots, Bacon Bits, topped with a Raspberry Vinaigrette, then Garnished with Strawberries & Apples, quite the delectable mid-afternoon estate sale rainy day treat!
The rest of my day was quite lame, with maybe 2 or 3 more customers, a lot of me sittin' on the computer, some Ramen Noodles, and Ice Cream Bar, and that's about it, well my Muse did also come by post workout, which is always excellent. The Rain Killed our Moving Sale Round #1, and ya boy is tired, so prolly going to bed in a bit. Peace!
I'm sitting here making plastic covers for my signs for a yard sale and I start thinking about my Homie since 7th grade saying to me..."You D*ck!"
To this I reply..."But Why?"
He retorts..."Cause you're going off and moving to D*ck!"
Now this is my Best Friend in the whole world! I have been through it with this guy, for damn sure! He and I go back like Car Seats. I met him at Baylor football camp in the summer before our 7th grade year, and then in 10th grade, when I was kicked out of Baylor prep school, I went to Red Bank, and the next year he shows up there also, when we graduated we both eventually went to work for the same place, not on purpose, I don't think, and ran off on Phish Summer Tour in 2000 together, moved into adjoining neighborhoods, again not on purpose! I will miss him, My Momma, my Brother, my Muse, whom is Suga Momma, TreTre and my Father most of all!
You see today was kinda wierd, as I do believe all of my days will be until I'm out of here cause of the curse, but it started off with one of my Homies calling me to tell me that he is on his way to come and get me, as I had called and asked him to pick me up today in order to go pick up my pay checks from Blue Plate, and take them to the Bank. We perform these tasks with Extreme Greatness, and then he brings me back home, where I proceed to go back to sleep, and do not awaken until like 6:30pm. When I do wake I start getting my sale in order, and what I mean when I say this is that I organized a team of masterminds to help out. Then it seems as if I was having a party or something, cause like 10 people showed up. Again, I think it will be like this until I leave for Cali. We get everything priced, with tags and all, TreTre and I start cleaning up for this event, and doing the final prices checks on everything, my Muse...was my Muse, then she left, and TreTre and I kept cleaning, and sorting and price checking, and I tried to sleep, but alas could not so I came out here to talk to y'all, but am now tired and have a HUGE day tomorrow, so I Bid You Goodnight, Goodnight, Goodnight!! Wish me luck, and come to 610 Highview Dr 37415 today and buy my stuff, I'mma catch some Zzz's! Peace!
To this I reply..."But Why?"
He retorts..."Cause you're going off and moving to D*ck!"
Now this is my Best Friend in the whole world! I have been through it with this guy, for damn sure! He and I go back like Car Seats. I met him at Baylor football camp in the summer before our 7th grade year, and then in 10th grade, when I was kicked out of Baylor prep school, I went to Red Bank, and the next year he shows up there also, when we graduated we both eventually went to work for the same place, not on purpose, I don't think, and ran off on Phish Summer Tour in 2000 together, moved into adjoining neighborhoods, again not on purpose! I will miss him, My Momma, my Brother, my Muse, whom is Suga Momma, TreTre and my Father most of all!
You see today was kinda wierd, as I do believe all of my days will be until I'm out of here cause of the curse, but it started off with one of my Homies calling me to tell me that he is on his way to come and get me, as I had called and asked him to pick me up today in order to go pick up my pay checks from Blue Plate, and take them to the Bank. We perform these tasks with Extreme Greatness, and then he brings me back home, where I proceed to go back to sleep, and do not awaken until like 6:30pm. When I do wake I start getting my sale in order, and what I mean when I say this is that I organized a team of masterminds to help out. Then it seems as if I was having a party or something, cause like 10 people showed up. Again, I think it will be like this until I leave for Cali. We get everything priced, with tags and all, TreTre and I start cleaning up for this event, and doing the final prices checks on everything, my Muse...was my Muse, then she left, and TreTre and I kept cleaning, and sorting and price checking, and I tried to sleep, but alas could not so I came out here to talk to y'all, but am now tired and have a HUGE day tomorrow, so I Bid You Goodnight, Goodnight, Goodnight!! Wish me luck, and come to 610 Highview Dr 37415 today and buy my stuff, I'mma catch some Zzz's! Peace!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Then After Lunch...
So, today was kinda crazy. I will being with my Horoscope for the day...Looks like there is money coming in, but it may be a "cheque is in the mail" situation just right now. There could be a miscommunication or misunderstanding about money today, but it is likely to be resolved in your favor if you are patient and understanding. I woke for work at 8:45, got ready for work, waited around for 30 more minutes, and finally texted Homeboy as to his whereabouts. He then tells me he's been waiting on this guy to get to his house until 9:30, when he came to pick me up. As we sit there and figure out our plan of attack on the day, we sit and talk for a bit, during which time we speak of a certain topic, which he apparently felt strongly about, as it were as if he a spirit jumped into his body and started speaking for him. He twitched a bit and went off on this intelligent rant that, I was so amazed to hear, that I was kinda stunned, but he snapped out of it and told me he has no idea where it came from, but he sometimes does just that, and that I needed to heed the advice that I had just received. Since I also had witnessed the twitch, I listened. We go down to the storage unit, where we usually meet for work, and we sit around for a bit in the lot, which I am still not real sure of why we did such, but we did, then go to my house, get my Dog and take her to the Vet for her 1st set of shots, as I had loaned the money from my Homie in order to do said activities. After a bit of wasting time, we drove to this dudes house, ol' Boy had no gas, Bossman didn't have the gas card, nor any gas, and I had to go eat with my folks to talk about Cali, so it just wasn't in the cards today; work that is.
I did, however, talk to my boy in Cali about moving out there, as I felt a bit unsure of my other placement decisions, I went and talked with a seasoned Veteran, who's been living there for 7 years. We talk and I feel a bit easier about the situation, as we came to a conclusion about what should be done. I'm gettin' ahead of myself, let's back it up to the conversation with my folk, it did not go over as easy! I arrive at the Dry Cleaners, go straight in the back and say hello to my Ladies and sew buttons, as I knew they needed it, and I see Tootie, who I have know since the place opened and was 1 of my 5 Homies at work, also was not there the last time I had graced the place with my presence. I run over and give her a big hug, tell her of Cali, cluck for a bit, and then go cluck with the rest of the hens there. Since I had seen them all the last time I was there, not giving them as grande of a greeting as Toots. My favorites are Mary, Tootie, Amy, Sue, and Margaret, whom I went and talked to them all and gave them all hugs, as I had missed them; you see someone every weekday for 8 years you kinda grow a bit fond of havin' them around, and miss it when they're not! Well, post galavant, my folk and I walked down to Merv's for lunch. There I ate a big ol' Merv's Bacon Cheeseburger, which I mos def miss from my days of working at the cleaners! At lunch, which I will not go into great detail about, because it was a conversation that only the 6 ears at the table needed to hear. However, I was actually very surprised of the fact that I did not loose my cool having them talk elevated at me, like they do so well. This might even be the first time that I have not done so...ever! I did catch myself one time, but that was it, maybe once or twice more, but even still...Much better than normal!
We also talked about my car local, which was this guy's house down on E Manning, that has this huge back yard with tons of cars in there. I get down there with my spare key to see if my clothes were still in the back seat, since I had meant to take them to the Dry Cleaners, and, trusting it's all there, get my GPS, Phone's Car Charger, Digi Camera, CD's and what not. Well, I start my descent down the gravel hill towards what looks like my car, with my Fuzzy Falcons Dice in the Rearview mirror, just with some crazy, mean lookin' damage to the front passenger side wheel well area. I come upon it and notice that the passenger side wheel is rolled up around the frame. Whoever wrecked this car looks like they had to have some damages to themselves, as well! It was serious! I gather my belongings, which consisted of a pair of Lugz, a Phone Car Charger, a composition book, some change, a lighter, a house lock that I had meant to take back this place I purchased it at for a minute, and the remainder of my keys. I cared not, it just fueled my fire for Cali even more so than it already is!
I Love my Family & Friends, but this town is cursed to never let anyone ever come up in it...ever. Bossman told me a very interesting theory about this place today...despite the fact that it is built on an Indian Burial, and it has this curse that was put on the town by the Indians, whom were forced to leave their land because of the "White Man", that is said to keep anyone from here in this town until they die, or something along those lines, as well as it's built on top of Limestone, which is a very grounding element for Human Beings. Now this is the first theory about Chattanooga, and how its inhabitants get constantly thrown back into the whirlwind of drama that we call home, that has ever actually held ground! It would only make sense to people who live here, but it does so very much! This town finds the good people, who are meant for more than this crap, and breaks down their defenses until they are weak, broken down souls who cannot amount to anything, except for everyday life. I've seen it suck the life out of many great people who were supposed to do much larger things in their life than just exist, but this town broke their will like all of their forefathers of greatness. The only people that survive in this place, are the money hungry people. The ones who want nothing but to make money and conquer individuality, I guess kinda like the "White Man" did back in their day! Well, I am one of those individual people who are meant for more in this world, and I don't give a rat's hairy butt about what no Indian Curse or no Greedy Blue Collar has got to say about nothing, I'm Bustin' Outta This Rat Trap!!!!!!!! I'll be flying off, prolly crying cause I Love my Momma, but still happy that I am out on my own accord. I'm seriously excited about this, Bursting with Fruit Flavors even! I still can't get it out of my head that I'm gonna miss my Momma, and that I love her, but I gotta do this when I can, or the opportunity might not be there again. I hate it, but love it also.
My Momma tells me today, as she breaks down in tears, that she just wants me to have fun, since she never gets to have any! I mean...I'm crying now, I Love this lady with all of my heart, and will def miss her, but I'm gonna do her proud by doing what is meant for me in this life, and amount to something, and have fun whilst doing so!
Back on track, this Wonderful Woman who had driven me all over the town today, takes me back to my house, which during the time being gone, my Homie picked up my check from the catering gig we did, and I then began organizing for this Estate/Moving Sale, which everyone in Chattanooga, TN needs to come to 610 Highview Dr, 37415 on Saturday at 8:30 AM or later to advance your status. During this time, my friend at Blue Plate, who is now a Manager, calls and tells me that I have about $200 in checks down there, that I might like having. Now with this happening it makes my horoscope come completely true, with the miscommunication being the one between my folks and I, but it all did resolve in my favor. I love it when a good plan comes together! Back to the Moving Sale, I have more crap than I ever even knew! I guess after 8 years of living at some place you acquire some crap! Anywho, everything is for sale, so come and get it! It's gonna work in waves where we empty a couple of rooms into the living room, then we sell all of that on the following Saturday, rinse and repeat. Let's make it happen for ya' boy over here! Estate sales, or moving sales even, are awesome cause it really means that there will be some neat stuff! Come check it out! Now I'm getting tired, and need to wake up earlyish, cause I'm sure an Insurance Adjuster will be calling me tomorrow about my car most likely. Keep ya boy in your thoughts! One!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Stay Tuned...
Hello there folk. I sincerely apologize for my absence here the past few days, but I have been emptying my rooms in preparation for a "Moving to California" sale. As I know you are all concerned about my car situation, I finally got an update this morning as to where it is located. My father calls me at about noon and tells me that it was located, said it has been wrecked, but it was located. My parents and I are going to lunch in the morning to talk about my Cali venture and the car and things of that nature. My roommate and I have been getting ready for this sale by cleaning the ever-loving stuff out of the house. I mean every knook and cranny, closets and everything. There is tons of stuff so come to my sale on Saturday, 610 Highview Dr. I'll tell y'all more tomorrow. I hope all is well with all yens!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Oh What a Night...
I arose, late as usual, and eventually get a ride from a Homie, who was cooking dinner as well. We arrive at his house to his girlfriend & their neighbor from up the way. My Homeboy can cook
up a mean...anything for that matter! These 2 people are definitely the most genuine people that I have recently met in Chattanugget. We have had many conversations
prior, and through all of these we kinda find out more about one of our situations, and we keep seeing that we have very similar situations. Turns out, that accident I had a ways back, one of my Best Friends was in the car with me, who is from ATL
, and this guy is from Savannah, GA, and I then come to find that he is also boys with this brotha'.
Let me back it up a bit here, and give you the proper intro into these folk. We made union of our friendship earlier this year, I then quit my job at the cleaners, looked quite sometime for a job, and during this time, his girlfriend leaps to the task of helping me make my resume, to give out in order to get a job. Now that was a serious nice thing for someone, having just recently met, to just throw out and do for someone! Well, throughout this time, they also invite me over for dinner
, millions of times; as well as everytime it has been some crazy good vittles as well! Homeboy is like a 5 star chef, in his own Reich, and shows it everytime that he ever even touches the cooking pan, just like TreTre! sum it up, these are 2 of my newly acquired Fam and if needs be, they got my back!
With me Belly full, and post good company, I locate a ride from this spot and then go back home, where I regrouped and went to our Local Spot to meet up with Miss Heatha', who took over Tim Duty, and we adjourned to my Homeboy's birthday party on his fathers houseboat, which apparently started at 6:30, and I just didn't remember. So the party was ending upon our arrival. We got to see my boys ToneHarm., who played the event, on the houseboat, docked in front of the Blue Plate on the Riverfront in Chattanooga, that I missed, like a D*ck! Anywhos, we got to see them packing up, and a bunch of Drunk people standing around, did I mention it was an open bar, with kegs and stuff. Since we missed the party we went to Rhapsody, where I saw one of my friends from way, way back and we chilled and then her, her friend and I went back to her friends house. We chill, they go to sleep, and I end up beginning to walk home.
I get to hoofin' it down Hixson Pike, take a left on some side road and walk up yada yada yada. In the meantime, I was scrolling my phone book for anyone who might have been awake and willing to give ya boy a ride, but nobody is awake. I first called the ones I knew would do it, with 2 of them def being occupied that I knew of, off the top of my head. Most are unable to help, cause of work and lack of a vehicle, however the one I spoke of earlier, that can cook, well he didn't answer, but he did call back as soon as he could. This was after I had found a ride, but ol' boy was coming off of Lookout to do so, which would take some time. Like I said Homboy called back when he awoke and saw my call was missed, and came and scooped me, about 6 miles into my walk after I was about to fall over from being tired and having to walk that far, got picked up and given a ride home. I have never been so excited to see my bed, ever! I fell over in it and went into a mild coma.
Later, I arise to Suga Momma calling and telling me she was off work, I ask her if she would like to swing by and kick it for a bit, which she does, and tells me of how her day was strange, with her having to talk to this guy about all this stuff she really didn't want to, and how it just kinda added a funk to her day which she just could not shake. I know just what she was talking about and kinda felt bad also, but everything happens for a reason, and this occurrence is not excluded, by any means! She'll figure it out, I got faith in the girl, she good people!
Right coinciding with this event, my boss at Green Pages and his wife come by to kick it, telling me that her Grandmother died today. I felt for her as well, this really just was a wierd day! I CANNOT WAIT TO GO TO CALI!!!!! I need out of this place! There is so much bad stuff going on here, that I just need not around me! My car gets stolen, I got to much stuff going on in my life, not thinking that I need to escape them, cause that's the last thing on my mind, I just need to remove myself from the city! Getting back on point, sorry I'm tired, we kick it for quite sometime; Bossman and wife left while we sat there talking and such for a bit. She leaves and I write to you-ins. I'm really tired and have a LONG day of work tomorrow, so I'm out!
Let me back it up a bit here, and give you the proper intro into these folk. We made union of our friendship earlier this year, I then quit my job at the cleaners, looked quite sometime for a job, and during this time, his girlfriend leaps to the task of helping me make my resume, to give out in order to get a job. Now that was a serious nice thing for someone, having just recently met, to just throw out and do for someone! Well, throughout this time, they also invite me over for dinner
With me Belly full, and post good company, I locate a ride from this spot and then go back home, where I regrouped and went to our Local Spot to meet up with Miss Heatha', who took over Tim Duty, and we adjourned to my Homeboy's birthday party on his fathers houseboat, which apparently started at 6:30, and I just didn't remember. So the party was ending upon our arrival. We got to see my boys ToneHarm., who played the event, on the houseboat, docked in front of the Blue Plate on the Riverfront in Chattanooga, that I missed, like a D*ck! Anywhos, we got to see them packing up, and a bunch of Drunk people standing around, did I mention it was an open bar, with kegs and stuff. Since we missed the party we went to Rhapsody, where I saw one of my friends from way, way back and we chilled and then her, her friend and I went back to her friends house. We chill, they go to sleep, and I end up beginning to walk home.
I get to hoofin' it down Hixson Pike, take a left on some side road and walk up yada yada yada. In the meantime, I was scrolling my phone book for anyone who might have been awake and willing to give ya boy a ride, but nobody is awake. I first called the ones I knew would do it, with 2 of them def being occupied that I knew of, off the top of my head. Most are unable to help, cause of work and lack of a vehicle, however the one I spoke of earlier, that can cook, well he didn't answer, but he did call back as soon as he could. This was after I had found a ride, but ol' boy was coming off of Lookout to do so, which would take some time. Like I said Homboy called back when he awoke and saw my call was missed, and came and scooped me, about 6 miles into my walk after I was about to fall over from being tired and having to walk that far, got picked up and given a ride home. I have never been so excited to see my bed, ever! I fell over in it and went into a mild coma.
Later, I arise to Suga Momma calling and telling me she was off work, I ask her if she would like to swing by and kick it for a bit, which she does, and tells me of how her day was strange, with her having to talk to this guy about all this stuff she really didn't want to, and how it just kinda added a funk to her day which she just could not shake. I know just what she was talking about and kinda felt bad also, but everything happens for a reason, and this occurrence is not excluded, by any means! She'll figure it out, I got faith in the girl, she good people!
Right coinciding with this event, my boss at Green Pages and his wife come by to kick it, telling me that her Grandmother died today. I felt for her as well, this really just was a wierd day! I CANNOT WAIT TO GO TO CALI!!!!! I need out of this place! There is so much bad stuff going on here, that I just need not around me! My car gets stolen, I got to much stuff going on in my life, not thinking that I need to escape them, cause that's the last thing on my mind, I just need to remove myself from the city! Getting back on point, sorry I'm tired, we kick it for quite sometime; Bossman and wife left while we sat there talking and such for a bit. She leaves and I write to you-ins. I'm really tired and have a LONG day of work tomorrow, so I'm out!
Just some stuff...
Local Spot,
My car gets stolen
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Flippin' in the Sunbed Drinkin'....
Today started off kinda way crazy!!! I awoke and, of course, ate some Trix, then followed by Golden Grahams, the wild card, which was excellent! Then it followed with my Father calling me and then I was totally taken aback, becuase I have failed to have told him of my car being stolen yet, which the talk was serious! I then spent the next few hours dealing with being told all kinds of stuff about how I am doing stuff wrong! I then decided...forget this junk, I'm goin to California...ASAP!!! I'm tired of being Scared of my folk, that's not how family is supposed to work, but they think so, as that's how they dominate people, it's messed up! Sorry for all the exclamation points, I just feel strongly about this subject.
Anywho, I talk with my Father about my situation, which does not go how it should have in order for me to NOT move to Cali. Obviously this convo goes badly and then after it finishes, my Mother calls me, and just, basically, rubs it in the face the fact that I don't have a car, nor will I have one for a good amount of time! The Lady makes me so very, very madd, all of the time, but this time especially! She says some stuff, that needed not be said, and we got in an argument, of sorts. We get through it, and I say that we will talk sometime Face to Face, not on the phone. She agrees, and I was surprised as all! We get off the phone, and I try and chill out a bit, although it is hard after being ridin' by my mama as so, which is not an easy task, y'all don't know my mama!
This was finished about 4PM, and I had tired of such activities! I went and texted Suga Momma about how this day started off so Terrible, and she instantly called ya boy about said subject to see if I was good still, cause she was just making sure I was not freaking out about said activities! Previously in te day, my brother Michael comes by, who is who I can talk to in my family, cause he actually talks TO me, the rest of them talk AT me, cause I'm the baby, and they all gotta tell me how to live, since they have never made any mistakes in their life's, which I cannot stand it! Now I'm finished with my rant about my folk, and I then had previously talked to someone, who was just dying to come and pick me up, a.k.a. Mama. They do so and then I was dropped off at my starting point, where we met some friends, and then left for home, first stopping for adult beverages. We meet some folk at mi casa, and kick it for some time and then went about our ways, to bed and what not. Keep it real folk!
Anywho, I talk with my Father about my situation, which does not go how it should have in order for me to NOT move to Cali. Obviously this convo goes badly and then after it finishes, my Mother calls me, and just, basically, rubs it in the face the fact that I don't have a car, nor will I have one for a good amount of time! The Lady makes me so very, very madd, all of the time, but this time especially! She says some stuff, that needed not be said, and we got in an argument, of sorts. We get through it, and I say that we will talk sometime Face to Face, not on the phone. She agrees, and I was surprised as all! We get off the phone, and I try and chill out a bit, although it is hard after being ridin' by my mama as so, which is not an easy task, y'all don't know my mama!
This was finished about 4PM, and I had tired of such activities! I went and texted Suga Momma about how this day started off so Terrible, and she instantly called ya boy about said subject to see if I was good still, cause she was just making sure I was not freaking out about said activities! Previously in te day, my brother Michael comes by, who is who I can talk to in my family, cause he actually talks TO me, the rest of them talk AT me, cause I'm the baby, and they all gotta tell me how to live, since they have never made any mistakes in their life's, which I cannot stand it! Now I'm finished with my rant about my folk, and I then had previously talked to someone, who was just dying to come and pick me up, a.k.a. Mama. They do so and then I was dropped off at my starting point, where we met some friends, and then left for home, first stopping for adult beverages. We meet some folk at mi casa, and kick it for some time and then went about our ways, to bed and what not. Keep it real folk!
Friday, April 16, 2010
As the Tim Turns...
Today was a day of catch up, I would say. I awoke and called the Po Po to ask if they had my report for my car being stolen yet, in order for me to report the theft to my insurance. They told me no, and I then made a bowl of Trix and Honey Combs, the staple and the wild card, sat on the comp for a bit and went back to sleep, continuing to do so until someone finally came over and I had to get up. I must have gotten like 15 hours of sleep or some junk! Then I sat around trying to find a ride for quite sometime. Found one and they eventually show up, not that I was ungrateful for the juesture or anything, cause I was!
They arrive, we chat for a bit, and then mosey on about our way. They gave me a ride to Rhapsody, where I met up with Suga Momma, who I was her Suga Daddy tonight as well, kinda. We had a beer, then started talking about this game at the spot, called "What a Mess", which ol' girl seemed to be interested in, since she is not into games too much anyways. Of course I hopped to it in order to get her down there asap to play the game. I was still on Suga Momma watch, making sure that she left mi casa with time to get home and get a good nights sleep, for a big weekend at work. Therefore we hang for a bit at the spot, although exiting quickly in order to do said duties.
We then arrive to mi casa, and proceed in convo, which was incredible! I realized that this lady really is the most incredible woman I have ever met in my entire lifetime! She started talking about the annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics, since we started talking about the Althea lyric...
" There are things you can replace, and others you cannot
The time has come to weigh those things
This space is getting hot, you know this space is getting hot"
...because my first dogs name is Althea, and it fits my current situation, all too well! Post Grateful Dead
convo, I just sat back and looked at her with amazement in my eyes, because this woman is the most beautiful creature to ever walk the earth, with big, beautiful eyes, that tell everything about her, and the most gorgeous brown hair, that she was talking about shaving off to make someones life better, which was sweet. She reminds me of a well cut Citrine*! This woman is the smartest person I have ever spent any amount of time with, ever! She is not conceited about how beautiful she is, doesn't even know it, and can spout off more information about the Grateful Dead than a lot of people even know, Tellin' me about the
website, sayin' to go and check it out sometime if I was bored or what not, I about fell outta my chair! This lady has blown me away, in the past couple of weeks, just FYI! I'm still just playin' it cool, cause I know she has a boyfriend, and I'm not that guy, nor will I ever be that guy, again! It sucks to have it done to you, and after it happened to me I was like, forget that noise, this stuff blows, and vowed never to be that guy, ever again!
We kick it for a bit, and she exits. I tell her to give me a shout, in order for me to know that she gets home safe, and she does, at which point I had just sat down to write, and thought of a beer, and how tasty one would be at that point. I then quickly thought about how I had wished it was like 15 minutes previous that I had thought of such, seeing as Momma was still there, and would do nothing but love to give me a ride to the store, since she is the Tim endorser that she is.
I embark on my pilgrimage to the store, beginning with a safari through the woods out back. Now the last time that I did such, it was in the middle of the winter, so there was no foliage. However this time, it's not winter its the middle of April, so the trees are kickin', or I guess more like I was trying to get through the Trees! I get through, then go to light me a celebratory cigarette, since I made it through the Ashland Terrace Jungle, and light it and get a mouthful off dirt, some must have gotten into the pack or something, and they are Parlaments, with the recessed filter. I then look down at my leg, which has a big ol grass stain, or something like that. I get to the bp, after smoking my dirt filled cig and go to the beer cooler to complete my mission, and acquire an adult beverage, look at the selection and my wallet, which I had forgotten to get some change out of my room before leaving, it was 2:30 and I needed to hurry before they stopped with the beer thing. However I luckily had my emergency $2 bill, and a bit of change. Realizing my selection was slim, I almost got some Malt Liquor, but opted not and went with the Steel Reserve. I was about $.12short, but luckily I frequent this place and she let me slide.
After acquiring my beverage I began my expedition back to the crib, thinking of Cali the whole way and realized that I needed to plan my trip and such. Well then I got home and finished talking to you peeps and am now going to do such, so Peace Out! Oh Yea...Cali!
*Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. One of only two minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative energy, but dispels and transforms it. You don't ever have to cleanse Citrine, because it doesn't hold any negativity! Citrine energizes, and invigorates, promotes warmth, comfort, and energy. Aids in matters of daily living. It is said citrine will open the mind to new thoughts. Often used by healers to increase self esteem.
That's exactly what I am talking about, shes pure light energy! Imagine that just kickin it with you every day for sometime, she's Platinum! A'ight!
They arrive, we chat for a bit, and then mosey on about our way. They gave me a ride to Rhapsody, where I met up with Suga Momma, who I was her Suga Daddy tonight as well, kinda. We had a beer, then started talking about this game at the spot, called "What a Mess", which ol' girl seemed to be interested in, since she is not into games too much anyways. Of course I hopped to it in order to get her down there asap to play the game. I was still on Suga Momma watch, making sure that she left mi casa with time to get home and get a good nights sleep, for a big weekend at work. Therefore we hang for a bit at the spot, although exiting quickly in order to do said duties.
We then arrive to mi casa, and proceed in convo, which was incredible! I realized that this lady really is the most incredible woman I have ever met in my entire lifetime! She started talking about the annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics, since we started talking about the Althea lyric...
" There are things you can replace, and others you cannot
The time has come to weigh those things
This space is getting hot, you know this space is getting hot"
...because my first dogs name is Althea, and it fits my current situation, all too well! Post Grateful Dead
We kick it for a bit, and she exits. I tell her to give me a shout, in order for me to know that she gets home safe, and she does, at which point I had just sat down to write, and thought of a beer, and how tasty one would be at that point. I then quickly thought about how I had wished it was like 15 minutes previous that I had thought of such, seeing as Momma was still there, and would do nothing but love to give me a ride to the store, since she is the Tim endorser that she is.
I embark on my pilgrimage to the store, beginning with a safari through the woods out back. Now the last time that I did such, it was in the middle of the winter, so there was no foliage. However this time, it's not winter its the middle of April, so the trees are kickin', or I guess more like I was trying to get through the Trees! I get through, then go to light me a celebratory cigarette, since I made it through the Ashland Terrace Jungle, and light it and get a mouthful off dirt, some must have gotten into the pack or something, and they are Parlaments, with the recessed filter. I then look down at my leg, which has a big ol grass stain, or something like that. I get to the bp, after smoking my dirt filled cig and go to the beer cooler to complete my mission, and acquire an adult beverage, look at the selection and my wallet, which I had forgotten to get some change out of my room before leaving, it was 2:30 and I needed to hurry before they stopped with the beer thing. However I luckily had my emergency $2 bill, and a bit of change. Realizing my selection was slim, I almost got some Malt Liquor, but opted not and went with the Steel Reserve. I was about $.12short, but luckily I frequent this place and she let me slide.
After acquiring my beverage I began my expedition back to the crib, thinking of Cali the whole way and realized that I needed to plan my trip and such. Well then I got home and finished talking to you peeps and am now going to do such, so Peace Out! Oh Yea...Cali!
*Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. One of only two minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative energy, but dispels and transforms it. You don't ever have to cleanse Citrine, because it doesn't hold any negativity! Citrine energizes, and invigorates, promotes warmth, comfort, and energy. Aids in matters of daily living. It is said citrine will open the mind to new thoughts. Often used by healers to increase self esteem.
That's exactly what I am talking about, shes pure light energy! Imagine that just kickin it with you every day for sometime, she's Platinum! A'ight!
Just some stuff...
Grateful Dead,
police reports,
short on money,
Suga Daddy,
What a mess,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Well, Sh*t on B*tches T*tt*es!
Today began with me awaking to my boy leaving and then I arose and ate some cereal. This time TreTre got Golden Grahams, as the special choice. You see he gets one staple and one wild card, usually I can mix the 2, but this time, I mean come on, Golden Grahams and Trix...please, there ain't no way! Progress, I sat around on the computer for a good bit, playing Treasure Madness
, and such. I finally get ready and do something, like shower and yhat not, I just started, accidentally, started saying this tonight, but I like it and think I might keep it! Well, my Suga Momma, formerly known as Homegirl, but now will start referring to her as such, eventually holla'd at ya boy and we linked and she showed up with a 12er of Coors
, the Banket Beer, which is impressing in itself, but then continues to save my day, totally!!!
We then go and run errands for a bit, we go to Rhapsody, eat Pork sandwiches, get accosted by some "Locals" and then decide to leave. Homeboy calls, and we meet him at the spot, where we engage in more spirits, and then we decide to leave. We go back to my crib, cause she has to teach in the afternoon, the last day of the semester and wanted to be THERE, so I was in charge of helping her out in making sure she was leaving in time to do such. I was put on Suga Momma duty, so I had to be sure it was done! We then kick it, Homeboy, Suga Momma, 2 dogs and a big happy family! She leaves and Homie and I kick it for sometime, and we are now current. I was dubbed an Attitudeinarian tonight, which means that I am a person who assumes attitudes or poses for effect. Homie and I have been doing such for years now, anyways, so FYI life is good!
I have also decided tonight, that if you're talking about something about it, stop talking about junk and make something happen!
We then go and run errands for a bit, we go to Rhapsody, eat Pork sandwiches, get accosted by some "Locals" and then decide to leave. Homeboy calls, and we meet him at the spot, where we engage in more spirits, and then we decide to leave. We go back to my crib, cause she has to teach in the afternoon, the last day of the semester and wanted to be THERE, so I was in charge of helping her out in making sure she was leaving in time to do such. I was put on Suga Momma duty, so I had to be sure it was done! We then kick it, Homeboy, Suga Momma, 2 dogs and a big happy family! She leaves and Homie and I kick it for sometime, and we are now current. I was dubbed an Attitudeinarian tonight, which means that I am a person who assumes attitudes or poses for effect. Homie and I have been doing such for years now, anyways, so FYI life is good!
I have also decided tonight, that if you're talking about something about it, stop talking about junk and make something happen!
Just some stuff...
Suga Momma
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Well Good Gosh Granny...
Okay now, yesterday I awoke to Homegirl coming to pick me up to take me up to my bank, on the top of Signal Mtn., as well as loaning me $20 to put in there, so my account wouldn't be negative. We do such, and then adventure towards the apartment complex she and her man planned on moving into. We check it out, and it was the greatest apartment I had ever seen, seeing as there was a parking lot that was separate from the rest of the complex. It was also on the bottom of the complex, in the back, and the only room around it was the laundry room, and the model apartment above, which is mostly quiet, of sorts-ish. Anywhos, it would be the nicest apartment I'd ever stayed in. We then went to her place of employment and at the at the exact same time my ex was pulling into work, I saw such, and dropped into the floorboard, just because...
Well, post ex experience, we then went to mi casa, for I to cook her dinner and then all of my Homeboy's called, and showed up, whilst dinner was being eaten by us 2. Then kicked it for some time and then to the spot, where we engaged in spirits. Then to Rhapsody, where again...and then we talked quite a bit about Cali, and then continue to mi casa. I then cooked her dinner, which was well deserved, cause we been hungry! There her and I engaged in conversation about this and that, and eventually come to the realization that the person we are both speaking of in Cali is the same person. I then holla at ol' boy, whom is in town, and he gets a cab over, which takes about 8 hours! Homegirl is about to pass out on the futon, but is fiercely trying to not do so, and Homie finally shows up. We all talk for a bit, especially about her moving to Cali, and then she finally surrenders her spot as the only female in the house, and goes home.
Homie & I kick it until late, talking about how Homegirl & I are coming out to Cali and what not. He gets a ride somewhere and I then sleep, awaking later to TreTre asking me what I want to eat, suggesting hamburgers, since we got madd patties! Well I then think of Sheppard's pie, which he makes TreTre style composed of Mashed Potatoes, mixed with Broccoli, Corn, and Hamburger topped with Cheddar and Mozzarella and was so ridiculously good!!! He had never even made it, nor heard of it before although he still killed it! Go TreTre!!!
Homegirl calls around 9ish saying that she is going to kick it with her Homegirl, and was just asking if I needed a ride somewhere, since my car was stolen. Although Homegirl eventually called and told ol' girl that she was going home and going to sleep. However, luckily, because my Homeboy was stressin me to get out of the house, and I was not even almost ready to do such, she calls and I walk, in my lap around the house, whilst telling Homie to chill out, and talking to her on the phone. I tell ol' boy to kick it, cause I gots me a ride, and he leaves.
She arrives and we sit about and converse about how she wants me to speak no more of her going to Cali, I agree to not do so, cause Homeboy and I hit her up non stop the previous night, and we then encounter a great day We run about a bit, and then wind up at the spot of usual, where we run about my Homeboy, who then relinquishes her of Tim Duty, lucky for her! Him & I talk for a bit about my past bit, which if you have followed you know, has been a bit mad as a hatter, so obviously was a long one. Eventually TreTre shows up and then we are current, so peace be with you!
Well, post ex experience, we then went to mi casa, for I to cook her dinner and then all of my Homeboy's called, and showed up, whilst dinner was being eaten by us 2. Then kicked it for some time and then to the spot, where we engaged in spirits. Then to Rhapsody, where again...and then we talked quite a bit about Cali, and then continue to mi casa. I then cooked her dinner, which was well deserved, cause we been hungry! There her and I engaged in conversation about this and that, and eventually come to the realization that the person we are both speaking of in Cali is the same person. I then holla at ol' boy, whom is in town, and he gets a cab over, which takes about 8 hours! Homegirl is about to pass out on the futon, but is fiercely trying to not do so, and Homie finally shows up. We all talk for a bit, especially about her moving to Cali, and then she finally surrenders her spot as the only female in the house, and goes home.
Homie & I kick it until late, talking about how Homegirl & I are coming out to Cali and what not. He gets a ride somewhere and I then sleep, awaking later to TreTre asking me what I want to eat, suggesting hamburgers, since we got madd patties! Well I then think of Sheppard's pie, which he makes TreTre style composed of Mashed Potatoes, mixed with Broccoli, Corn, and Hamburger topped with Cheddar and Mozzarella and was so ridiculously good!!! He had never even made it, nor heard of it before although he still killed it! Go TreTre!!!
Homegirl calls around 9ish saying that she is going to kick it with her Homegirl, and was just asking if I needed a ride somewhere, since my car was stolen. Although Homegirl eventually called and told ol' girl that she was going home and going to sleep. However, luckily, because my Homeboy was stressin me to get out of the house, and I was not even almost ready to do such, she calls and I walk, in my lap around the house, whilst telling Homie to chill out, and talking to her on the phone. I tell ol' boy to kick it, cause I gots me a ride, and he leaves.
She arrives and we sit about and converse about how she wants me to speak no more of her going to Cali, I agree to not do so, cause Homeboy and I hit her up non stop the previous night, and we then encounter a great day We run about a bit, and then wind up at the spot of usual, where we run about my Homeboy, who then relinquishes her of Tim Duty, lucky for her! Him & I talk for a bit about my past bit, which if you have followed you know, has been a bit mad as a hatter, so obviously was a long one. Eventually TreTre shows up and then we are current, so peace be with you!
Monday, April 12, 2010
So much to say...
So the past week, I've had off of work. This has been an interesting 5 days, I must say! Thursday I awake to my brother Casey calling me to ask me if I wanted to go eat, I had just eaten so I didn't immidiately agree, but he then gives me this whole story of how he will not get to eat because what not, and since I'm a good brother, and I also had to pick up checks anyways, that I never actually got, dammit! Anyways, I went to my brothers house, for said activities, and we then go to Las Margaritas to eat. He tells me of all of this stuff he needed off his chest, I listened, as I do well! Then his Father calls him and says he's coming to stay the night, and he tells him to come over to meet us at Las Mas, as he does. When he gets there, we talk about stuff, from which I came to a realization about our arrangement. I then mention that I wanted to move to Cali. He asks what would I do, and I respond not live here! He starts inquiring about, for instance how much capitol it would take to make the move. I tell him and he replies that it would take him a month, I tell him I need more time, he digresses. We decide 3 months, chill and drink some more beers, whilst I do nothing but think about moving to Cali, and I eventually leave.
I'm driving, and decide that I want to take my Homegirl, I speak of all the time. So I message her, asking of this. She replies quickly saying...."I can't tonight." We later meet up and I ask her again, face to face, and we toss it around for a bit, and she was not totally blocking it out, but was def trying to. She will be moving with me out there! She just belongs with the exploration and also needs this! Upon my re-arrival, I talk to TreTre about said move. He then says that he guesses that he will be looking for another place after then. I go to fold laundry or something, and whilst I'm in my room I think about the food he was cooking for dinner, and how I'd miss all that waking up to meals and things of that nature. We start talking again and he asks if he would like it out there. I say of course, I mean it is a long state of TreTre's! He then asks if he could go, to which I replied, I was just thinking about how I don't have to cook for myself. So he's on, my brother's father, Jim, who is the Botanist, Homegirl, cause she rocks, and myself. The perfect combination...the Botanist, the Marketing mastermind, and the man with the possibility, the beautiful and happy woman, and TreTre, all we then would need would be a chance, and it's already been given to me!
The rest of the weekend was comprised of just thinking about this move; being excited; calling folk to alert them of my arivalry; coming to the conclusion of how this is actually going to work; seeing Ana Sia, who is a super sick female producer, who played last night at 412. There def was a good time that had been had at this spot, so much of one that my car was unable to be driven home by yours truly. I had gotten a ride home with Karliss, who was totally fine to drive, having not encountered as many adult beverages as I. I get home and pass right out, sleeping so very hard that my right shoulder got a pinch in it. I eventually wake up, call Karliss, who had told me he'd give me a ride back to my car in the AM, just to call.
I totally awake about 2 or 3 PM, call Karliss for a ride, he doesn't answer, that I later find out is because he was at work, so I then call Dan Dan and Brittan, since I knew they were together and his phone was dead. Dan calls me back on Brittan's phone a few hours later. We talk about him coming over to give me a ride to my car, he says he'll be there to get me in a bit, so we could all shower and what not. I go eat something and then start laundry, seeing as I had no clean drawers to wear. Then get on FaceCrack for a bit, then get a call from Dan telling me that he was on his way. He gets here, me still not having had a shower nor having finished laundry, and tells me we are in a hurry, so I go into power mode and throw shorts on, find a shit to wear, get my kicks on and get out there. We leave and get to the place my car was at, didn't see it, so we got out and looked all around, since I was inebriated when leaving, and we couldn't find it anywhere. I call the Chattanooga Police Dept. and tell them of this, and they send a cop to meet me, and he actually came instantly to 412 Market Street. We talk and he says it happens a lot around in some gang initiation thing. Well I just want my car back, so that I can do this move to Cali, but if I have no car then I can just ride with Homegirl out there.
Dan and I go to Las Mas to eat, seeing as he was starved, and I have a TreTre and was golden! I see My boy DL and a couple other folk. We converse, I tell them of my car, we talk some more, and Dave takes me to his crib to see Mookie, his new puppy. We talk about my move, and since he's my Best Friend, is totally behind me. He then drives me home, and I just kick it with TreTre and some friends, and I tried to catch this up. One thing lead to another and we got drunk, and my Homeboy called me and mentioned he needed someone to join him for beverages. I then tell him of my car theft, and he instantly comes over, brings beer, Blesses us, and kicks it for some more.
Okay now that's up to date, so I hope y'all are supportive of me, and start leaving love dropplets for a brother, letting me know how you like it, for crying out loud. Sorry to come off crass, not meant that way. I hope yens let me know if you have any info for me!
I'm driving, and decide that I want to take my Homegirl, I speak of all the time. So I message her, asking of this. She replies quickly saying...."I can't tonight." We later meet up and I ask her again, face to face, and we toss it around for a bit, and she was not totally blocking it out, but was def trying to. She will be moving with me out there! She just belongs with the exploration and also needs this! Upon my re-arrival, I talk to TreTre about said move. He then says that he guesses that he will be looking for another place after then. I go to fold laundry or something, and whilst I'm in my room I think about the food he was cooking for dinner, and how I'd miss all that waking up to meals and things of that nature. We start talking again and he asks if he would like it out there. I say of course, I mean it is a long state of TreTre's! He then asks if he could go, to which I replied, I was just thinking about how I don't have to cook for myself. So he's on, my brother's father, Jim, who is the Botanist, Homegirl, cause she rocks, and myself. The perfect combination...the Botanist, the Marketing mastermind, and the man with the possibility, the beautiful and happy woman, and TreTre, all we then would need would be a chance, and it's already been given to me!
The rest of the weekend was comprised of just thinking about this move; being excited; calling folk to alert them of my arivalry; coming to the conclusion of how this is actually going to work; seeing Ana Sia, who is a super sick female producer, who played last night at 412. There def was a good time that had been had at this spot, so much of one that my car was unable to be driven home by yours truly. I had gotten a ride home with Karliss, who was totally fine to drive, having not encountered as many adult beverages as I. I get home and pass right out, sleeping so very hard that my right shoulder got a pinch in it. I eventually wake up, call Karliss, who had told me he'd give me a ride back to my car in the AM, just to call.
I totally awake about 2 or 3 PM, call Karliss for a ride, he doesn't answer, that I later find out is because he was at work, so I then call Dan Dan and Brittan, since I knew they were together and his phone was dead. Dan calls me back on Brittan's phone a few hours later. We talk about him coming over to give me a ride to my car, he says he'll be there to get me in a bit, so we could all shower and what not. I go eat something and then start laundry, seeing as I had no clean drawers to wear. Then get on FaceCrack for a bit, then get a call from Dan telling me that he was on his way. He gets here, me still not having had a shower nor having finished laundry, and tells me we are in a hurry, so I go into power mode and throw shorts on, find a shit to wear, get my kicks on and get out there. We leave and get to the place my car was at, didn't see it, so we got out and looked all around, since I was inebriated when leaving, and we couldn't find it anywhere. I call the Chattanooga Police Dept. and tell them of this, and they send a cop to meet me, and he actually came instantly to 412 Market Street. We talk and he says it happens a lot around in some gang initiation thing. Well I just want my car back, so that I can do this move to Cali, but if I have no car then I can just ride with Homegirl out there.
Dan and I go to Las Mas to eat, seeing as he was starved, and I have a TreTre and was golden! I see My boy DL and a couple other folk. We converse, I tell them of my car, we talk some more, and Dave takes me to his crib to see Mookie, his new puppy. We talk about my move, and since he's my Best Friend, is totally behind me. He then drives me home, and I just kick it with TreTre and some friends, and I tried to catch this up. One thing lead to another and we got drunk, and my Homeboy called me and mentioned he needed someone to join him for beverages. I then tell him of my car theft, and he instantly comes over, brings beer, Blesses us, and kicks it for some more.
Okay now that's up to date, so I hope y'all are supportive of me, and start leaving love dropplets for a brother, letting me know how you like it, for crying out loud. Sorry to come off crass, not meant that way. I hope yens let me know if you have any info for me!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lovely Day...
Last night I had asked Raje to please make sure that I was awake this morning, as I would most likely lose my job if not. My first alarm goes off around 7:30 AM, at which point I actually woke up today. I hear Raje open his door, and instantly tell him that I'm up, and he says, "Are you sure?" I assure him and he goes back to bed. I felt that the universe was back in alignment, and today would be much better than the past couple.
I get up, eat breakfast, shower, and all that jazz, and mosey on to work. Get there and my phone rings, some girl is on the other end of the line telling me, in kind of a shy manner, that she thinks she may have my dog. I was so extremely happy to hear this news! She tells me that she is located across Ashland Terrace from me, and that Maui just walked into her Grandfathers house, just as I figured, a little while ago, meaning like 8:30, or so. I tell her to meet me at the Animal Hospital in like 5 minutes. I arrive and get to the car and see my lil' Baby Girl, although she did not have her collar on at the time. I ask where it was, to which the girl stated that she was not sure, which is why she was not positive that it was her. I cared not, was just excited to see her again. I was sitting with Homegirl at the spot last night talkin' bout this and that, and about busted out in tears because I was thinkin' bout how badly I miss her, alas I refrained.
I take her home and continue about my day of work, which I killed! He sent everyone home, and just let me finish off the last 400 books or so, by my lonesome. I retreated to Pete's house to give him my mileage, at which point I went to see my Father, at the Dry Cleaners, and he tells me to print off all of these emails and read them at some point. Contained in said emails was info about taking over notes, like house notes to the banks and such. Now as I have previously stated, my Father is a very smart person, however this, to me, seems like some internet bullhockey, and my Father has seemed to slip a bit in his old age. Now I'm not saying that I totally am putting this out of my mind, but I'm just sayin'! I have yet to read this, but will do so, and get back at y'all about this matter.
I have begun inception of the new business idea that Karliss came up with, and may follow up on my actions and begin my empire, in the following week. Keep ya boy in your thoughts!
I get up, eat breakfast, shower, and all that jazz, and mosey on to work. Get there and my phone rings, some girl is on the other end of the line telling me, in kind of a shy manner, that she thinks she may have my dog. I was so extremely happy to hear this news! She tells me that she is located across Ashland Terrace from me, and that Maui just walked into her Grandfathers house, just as I figured, a little while ago, meaning like 8:30, or so. I tell her to meet me at the Animal Hospital in like 5 minutes. I arrive and get to the car and see my lil' Baby Girl, although she did not have her collar on at the time. I ask where it was, to which the girl stated that she was not sure, which is why she was not positive that it was her. I cared not, was just excited to see her again. I was sitting with Homegirl at the spot last night talkin' bout this and that, and about busted out in tears because I was thinkin' bout how badly I miss her, alas I refrained.
I take her home and continue about my day of work, which I killed! He sent everyone home, and just let me finish off the last 400 books or so, by my lonesome. I retreated to Pete's house to give him my mileage, at which point I went to see my Father, at the Dry Cleaners, and he tells me to print off all of these emails and read them at some point. Contained in said emails was info about taking over notes, like house notes to the banks and such. Now as I have previously stated, my Father is a very smart person, however this, to me, seems like some internet bullhockey, and my Father has seemed to slip a bit in his old age. Now I'm not saying that I totally am putting this out of my mind, but I'm just sayin'! I have yet to read this, but will do so, and get back at y'all about this matter.
I have begun inception of the new business idea that Karliss came up with, and may follow up on my actions and begin my empire, in the following week. Keep ya boy in your thoughts!
Just some stuff...
phone books
So today....
I awoke yesterday and went to work, as any other normal day. Randomly come home for lunch and my Raje asks me where "the Little Dog
" is. To this I was questionable, because when I left in the AM she was in the back yard. Well, I then proceed to driving all over the neighborhood and asking any person who was out in their yard if they had seen my little baby
, and if they do to give me a call, as I gave them my phone number as well. After sometime, I think like 5 hours, of looking for my dog, I finally go home. At some point, Dan calls me and we go out to our Home Spot
and wind up getting D-R-U-N-K
, I then retire to mi casa and make up some flyers for missing Maui.
I woke at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after getting massively drunk last night whilst thinking of my sweet Little Baby Girl coming up missing, and I went and printed off 100
of this flyer that I had made last night, whilst worrying! I totally missed work, and my boss, Peters' phone calls, which he was no happy about, and told me that if it happened again that he would have to fire me, but on the way home from this flyer thing, I looked in the Rearview mirror at my Nappy Ars Mop on my head, and figured that if I had the day off I needed to go and get my hair did, so I holla'd at my girl Shannon, who works at the Mitchell Robert Studio Salon in Red Bank
, and is a Hair Sorceress
Despite the fact that my hair look good, I also assured Peter this would never happen again, as he knew of my dog situation, which is why he didn't fire me on the spot. I printed those off, on my parents dry cleaners account at the UPS
store; yes, I'm very fortunate in that aspect as to where, if I do lose a dog, I can at least print off flyers, in a moderate manner. Then my Homegirl and I went and put them up on all of the Stop signs in my neighborhood, Gas Stations
, Restaurants
, the Tuba Mini Mall
, Bojangles
, Picadilly
and places of such around my area! We then hungered and went to the spot to grab a bite. There we engaged in Spirits as well, and then moved on to the house to bless the crib, and write to you folk. Now I'm gonna make a fan page of Missing Maui, so if you're on there, check it out, and become such! Peace!
I woke at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after getting massively drunk last night whilst thinking of my sweet Little Baby Girl coming up missing, and I went and printed off 100
Despite the fact that my hair look good, I also assured Peter this would never happen again, as he knew of my dog situation, which is why he didn't fire me on the spot. I printed those off, on my parents dry cleaners account at the UPS
Just some stuff...
Mitchell Robert Studio Salon,
Nappy T,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
This Sucks!!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
And Back to the Bull...
I wake this morning and call my brother, whom, last night I saw at Rhapsody, when going to meet Homegirl, whom I had not seen in a minute and was delighted to see! Well I pull up and see this big jock looking dude talking to her, more had her cornered at the bar talking AT her. Instantly, I think that it may be my brother that I always bitch about, maybe not on here, but have trust! I try to get her to come out and meet me at my car, although she doesn't see, or understand what I was motioning for her to do. I walk up and he is talking about my accident, which I really don't feel comfortable, him, talking about, as he makes it sound like I'm an invalid, drooling on myself and all! I walk in the door and hear such, say something, nicely, to which he is like all lovey with me and all, as usual. Then go to 412 to see my Boss/Homeboy Peter's band play, which was really good, I thought. Come to find out later, they were excessively disappointed with their performance of the evening! I also talked to one of my Homies last night and told him of this CDJ I was about to be receiving from Homeboy, who told me that it is is overpriced, crap. A $650 piece of crap
is not what I'm looking for, by any means!
We leave the show, and go to one of the band mates house to kick it and parley. That was all well and good and all, and I go home. The morning sun shines, birds chirp, and I arise to find that my sweet precious Maui dog has eaten the side of the couch that had not been eaten yet, and a pillow. I school her, then banish her to the back yard, for the entire day! I then finally get up and call my loving Father, who tells me about how we need to talk about this and that, what my plans are and other things. This turns out to be another talking that doesn't go over too well! He tried telling me that when he calls, he doesn't hear back for at least 3 days, he called yesterday morning whilst I was asleep! However I endured the mental beat down, and then get off the phone, with an anger with such ascension. I really need to make something happen , I can't be doing this junk the rest of my life! I think I may do something with my life, hopefully!
We leave the show, and go to one of the band mates house to kick it and parley. That was all well and good and all, and I go home. The morning sun shines, birds chirp, and I arise to find that my sweet precious Maui dog has eaten the side of the couch that had not been eaten yet, and a pillow. I school her, then banish her to the back yard, for the entire day! I then finally get up and call my loving Father, who tells me about how we need to talk about this and that, what my plans are and other things. This turns out to be another talking that doesn't go over too well! He tried telling me that when he calls, he doesn't hear back for at least 3 days, he called yesterday morning whilst I was asleep! However I endured the mental beat down, and then get off the phone, with an anger with such ascension. I really need to make something happen , I can't be doing this junk the rest of my life! I think I may do something with my life, hopefully!
Friday, April 2, 2010
La Di Dadi...Napoleon Bout To Bust Out!
Hey there folk! Today, or actually late last night I was dubbed Napoleon as my DJ name. More so my Homeboy, who is also my boss suggested it, as well had been talking to folk about it and they all agreed. The funny thing about that is that when I was dubbed Nappy, my boss at Sticky Fingers had done that, so it's always my bosses that give me names like such. Just my thoughts at the moment, Ba!
Then I slept and woke late as all, cause I had told my friend/boss that I was taking the day off, in terms. So I ate some cereal, like 4 different types mixed together, it was incredible as well as a great way to start off my day! After my morning ritual, I went and kicked it with my Homegirl Nico and her roommates for a bit and watched "From Hell", the movie about Jack Ripper that had Johnny Depp in it. I tried leaving before it was over, and Jessie told me to stay if I had not seen the end yet. The end was crazy. I will not speak of it, as I know that I hate it when people mess up a movie for me like so!
Post movie, I went to Aretha's, in order to grab a bite to eat. Ate the Philly Cheesesteak, Wrap, which was awesome! Sat around, read the Enigma, shot the shile with folk, then I talked to Dan, who told me that he & Karliss were at Hair of the Dog. I then paid up and proceeded there. Upon arrival I had a drink, and talked with Karliss & Dan. I left, thinking that I would be going to work tomorrow morning, however I have decided against that, seeing as my paycheck should be around a decent sum of money this week! In making this decision, I get to update yens, so it's good...right?
I leave Karliss & Dan to go home, which ends up being DBC on the way home, cause of work. After a bit of being there I hear the door open, turn around and it's Karliss. He says; "Thought you were going to bed.", with a smart tone. Well, I obviously didn't and there I was till late. We then decidew to go home, do so and then star talking, then my roommate gets home from class. Now I'm tired and drunk and don't need to be typing stuff to y'all, so I'm out! Peace!
Then I slept and woke late as all, cause I had told my friend/boss that I was taking the day off, in terms. So I ate some cereal, like 4 different types mixed together, it was incredible as well as a great way to start off my day! After my morning ritual, I went and kicked it with my Homegirl Nico and her roommates for a bit and watched "From Hell", the movie about Jack Ripper that had Johnny Depp in it. I tried leaving before it was over, and Jessie told me to stay if I had not seen the end yet. The end was crazy. I will not speak of it, as I know that I hate it when people mess up a movie for me like so!
Post movie, I went to Aretha's, in order to grab a bite to eat. Ate the Philly Cheesesteak, Wrap, which was awesome! Sat around, read the Enigma, shot the shile with folk, then I talked to Dan, who told me that he & Karliss were at Hair of the Dog. I then paid up and proceeded there. Upon arrival I had a drink, and talked with Karliss & Dan. I left, thinking that I would be going to work tomorrow morning, however I have decided against that, seeing as my paycheck should be around a decent sum of money this week! In making this decision, I get to update yens, so it's good...right?
I leave Karliss & Dan to go home, which ends up being DBC on the way home, cause of work. After a bit of being there I hear the door open, turn around and it's Karliss. He says; "Thought you were going to bed.", with a smart tone. Well, I obviously didn't and there I was till late. We then decidew to go home, do so and then star talking, then my roommate gets home from class. Now I'm tired and drunk and don't need to be typing stuff to y'all, so I'm out! Peace!
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