So, today was kinda crazy. I will being with my Horoscope for the day...Looks like there is money coming in, but it may be a "cheque is in the mail" situation just right now. There could be a miscommunication or misunderstanding about money today, but it is likely to be resolved in your favor if you are patient and understanding. I woke for work at 8:45, got ready for work, waited around for 30 more minutes, and finally texted Homeboy as to his whereabouts. He then tells me he's been waiting on this guy to get to his house until 9:30, when he came to pick me up. As we sit there and figure out our plan of attack on the day, we sit and talk for a bit, during which time we speak of a certain topic, which he apparently felt strongly about, as it were as if he a spirit jumped into his body and started speaking for him. He twitched a bit and went off on this intelligent rant that, I was so amazed to hear, that I was kinda stunned, but he snapped out of it and told me he has no idea where it came from, but he sometimes does just that, and that I needed to heed the advice that I had just received. Since I also had witnessed the twitch, I listened. We go down to the storage unit, where we usually meet for work, and we sit around for a bit in the lot, which I am still not real sure of why we did such, but we did, then go to my house, get my Dog and take her to the Vet for her 1st set of shots, as I had loaned the money from my Homie in order to do said activities. After a bit of wasting time, we drove to this dudes house, ol' Boy had no gas, Bossman didn't have the gas card, nor any gas, and I had to go eat with my folks to talk about Cali, so it just wasn't in the cards today; work that is.
I did, however, talk to my boy in Cali about moving out there, as I felt a bit unsure of my other placement decisions, I went and talked with a seasoned Veteran, who's been living there for 7 years. We talk and I feel a bit easier about the situation, as we came to a conclusion about what should be done. I'm gettin' ahead of myself, let's back it up to the conversation with my folk, it did not go over as easy! I arrive at the Dry Cleaners, go straight in the back and say hello to my Ladies and sew buttons, as I knew they needed it, and I see Tootie, who I have know since the place opened and was 1 of my 5 Homies at work, also was not there the last time I had graced the place with my presence. I run over and give her a big hug, tell her of Cali, cluck for a bit, and then go cluck with the rest of the hens there. Since I had seen them all the last time I was there, not giving them as grande of a greeting as Toots. My favorites are Mary, Tootie, Amy, Sue, and Margaret, whom I went and talked to them all and gave them all hugs, as I had missed them; you see someone every weekday for 8 years you kinda grow a bit fond of havin' them around, and miss it when they're not! Well, post galavant, my folk and I walked down to Merv's for lunch. There I ate a big ol' Merv's Bacon Cheeseburger, which I mos def miss from my days of working at the cleaners! At lunch, which I will not go into great detail about, because it was a conversation that only the 6 ears at the table needed to hear. However, I was actually very surprised of the fact that I did not loose my cool having them talk elevated at me, like they do so well. This might even be the first time that I have not done so...ever! I did catch myself one time, but that was it, maybe once or twice more, but even still...Much better than normal!
We also talked about my car local, which was this guy's house down on E Manning, that has this huge back yard with tons of cars in there. I get down there with my spare key to see if my clothes were still in the back seat, since I had meant to take them to the Dry Cleaners, and, trusting it's all there, get my GPS, Phone's Car Charger, Digi Camera, CD's and what not. Well, I start my descent down the gravel hill towards what looks like my car, with my Fuzzy Falcons Dice in the Rearview mirror, just with some crazy, mean lookin' damage to the front passenger side wheel well area. I come upon it and notice that the passenger side wheel is rolled up around the frame. Whoever wrecked this car looks like they had to have some damages to themselves, as well! It was serious! I gather my belongings, which consisted of a pair of Lugz, a Phone Car Charger, a composition book, some change, a lighter, a house lock that I had meant to take back this place I purchased it at for a minute, and the remainder of my keys. I cared not, it just fueled my fire for Cali even more so than it already is!
I Love my Family & Friends, but this town is cursed to never let anyone ever come up in it...ever. Bossman told me a very interesting theory about this place today...despite the fact that it is built on an Indian Burial, and it has this curse that was put on the town by the Indians, whom were forced to leave their land because of the "White Man", that is said to keep anyone from here in this town until they die, or something along those lines, as well as it's built on top of Limestone, which is a very grounding element for Human Beings. Now this is the first theory about Chattanooga, and how its inhabitants get constantly thrown back into the whirlwind of drama that we call home, that has ever actually held ground! It would only make sense to people who live here, but it does so very much! This town finds the good people, who are meant for more than this crap, and breaks down their defenses until they are weak, broken down souls who cannot amount to anything, except for everyday life. I've seen it suck the life out of many great people who were supposed to do much larger things in their life than just exist, but this town broke their will like all of their forefathers of greatness. The only people that survive in this place, are the money hungry people. The ones who want nothing but to make money and conquer individuality, I guess kinda like the "White Man" did back in their day! Well, I am one of those individual people who are meant for more in this world, and I don't give a rat's hairy butt about what no Indian Curse or no Greedy Blue Collar has got to say about nothing, I'm Bustin' Outta This Rat Trap!!!!!!!! I'll be flying off, prolly crying cause I Love my Momma, but still happy that I am out on my own accord. I'm seriously excited about this, Bursting with Fruit Flavors even! I still can't get it out of my head that I'm gonna miss my Momma, and that I love her, but I gotta do this when I can, or the opportunity might not be there again. I hate it, but love it also.
My Momma tells me today, as she breaks down in tears, that she just wants me to have fun, since she never gets to have any! I mean...I'm crying now, I Love this lady with all of my heart, and will def miss her, but I'm gonna do her proud by doing what is meant for me in this life, and amount to something, and have fun whilst doing so!
Back on track, this Wonderful Woman who had driven me all over the town today, takes me back to my house, which during the time being gone, my Homie picked up my check from the catering gig we did, and I then began organizing for this Estate/Moving Sale, which everyone in Chattanooga, TN needs to come to 610 Highview Dr, 37415 on Saturday at 8:30 AM or later to advance your status. During this time, my friend at Blue Plate, who is now a Manager, calls and tells me that I have about $200 in checks down there, that I might like having. Now with this happening it makes my horoscope come completely true, with the miscommunication being the one between my folks and I, but it all did resolve in my favor. I love it when a good plan comes together! Back to the Moving Sale, I have more crap than I ever even knew! I guess after 8 years of living at some place you acquire some crap! Anywho, everything is for sale, so come and get it! It's gonna work in waves where we empty a couple of rooms into the living room, then we sell all of that on the following Saturday, rinse and repeat. Let's make it happen for ya' boy over here! Estate sales, or moving sales even, are awesome cause it really means that there will be some neat stuff! Come check it out! Now I'm getting tired, and need to wake up earlyish, cause I'm sure an Insurance Adjuster will be calling me tomorrow about my car most likely. Keep ya boy in your thoughts! One!
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