They arrive, we chat for a bit, and then mosey on about our way. They gave me a ride to Rhapsody, where I met up with Suga Momma, who I was her Suga Daddy tonight as well, kinda. We had a beer, then started talking about this game at the spot, called "What a Mess", which ol' girl seemed to be interested in, since she is not into games too much anyways. Of course I hopped to it in order to get her down there asap to play the game. I was still on Suga Momma watch, making sure that she left mi casa with time to get home and get a good nights sleep, for a big weekend at work. Therefore we hang for a bit at the spot, although exiting quickly in order to do said duties.
We then arrive to mi casa, and proceed in convo, which was incredible! I realized that this lady really is the most incredible woman I have ever met in my entire lifetime! She started talking about the annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics, since we started talking about the Althea lyric...
" There are things you can replace, and others you cannot
The time has come to weigh those things
This space is getting hot, you know this space is getting hot"
...because my first dogs name is Althea, and it fits my current situation, all too well! Post Grateful Dead
We kick it for a bit, and she exits. I tell her to give me a shout, in order for me to know that she gets home safe, and she does, at which point I had just sat down to write, and thought of a beer, and how tasty one would be at that point. I then quickly thought about how I had wished it was like 15 minutes previous that I had thought of such, seeing as Momma was still there, and would do nothing but love to give me a ride to the store, since she is the Tim endorser that she is.
I embark on my pilgrimage to the store, beginning with a safari through the woods out back. Now the last time that I did such, it was in the middle of the winter, so there was no foliage. However this time, it's not winter its the middle of April, so the trees are kickin', or I guess more like I was trying to get through the Trees! I get through, then go to light me a celebratory cigarette, since I made it through the Ashland Terrace Jungle, and light it and get a mouthful off dirt, some must have gotten into the pack or something, and they are Parlaments, with the recessed filter. I then look down at my leg, which has a big ol grass stain, or something like that. I get to the bp, after smoking my dirt filled cig and go to the beer cooler to complete my mission, and acquire an adult beverage, look at the selection and my wallet, which I had forgotten to get some change out of my room before leaving, it was 2:30 and I needed to hurry before they stopped with the beer thing. However I luckily had my emergency $2 bill, and a bit of change. Realizing my selection was slim, I almost got some Malt Liquor, but opted not and went with the Steel Reserve. I was about $.12short, but luckily I frequent this place and she let me slide.
After acquiring my beverage I began my expedition back to the crib, thinking of Cali the whole way and realized that I needed to plan my trip and such. Well then I got home and finished talking to you peeps and am now going to do such, so Peace Out! Oh Yea...Cali!
*Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. One of only two minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative energy, but dispels and transforms it. You don't ever have to cleanse Citrine, because it doesn't hold any negativity! Citrine energizes, and invigorates, promotes warmth, comfort, and energy. Aids in matters of daily living. It is said citrine will open the mind to new thoughts. Often used by healers to increase self esteem.
That's exactly what I am talking about, shes pure light energy! Imagine that just kickin it with you every day for sometime, she's Platinum! A'ight!
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