So, last night, Trey and I sat up talking, or I was sitting on the computer while he was making drunken noises, that I kinda was listening to, but not really, as I fell off the train back when he was talking about Black Suicide, and how he was RAGE, people don't know what's up with RAGE!!!!! To which my response was, you mean Raje, spelled R-a-g-e, but with an accent over the G. From here on out on this Blog I will refer to him as Raje, which I know sounds kinda Indian, and he is far from that, as he is Gay and Black. Moving on, I went to bed about 5 am, losing track of time whilst surfing the web, messin' with this blogs' settings, and FaceCrack, and what not.
Well soon comes 8 am with Raje beating on my door yelling, It's time to get up. He's a wonderful alarm clock! Well, I get up, eat 2 bowls of cereal, then get safety supplies and get out about my journey of the day. Today was a great day! I drove around in the sun all day, with the sunroof open, bumpin' Drum n' Bass, tossing phone books at mailboxes, making sure not to throw them in any inappropriate places, such as the middle of the drive way, where they will serve no purpose but a tire mat, as you will do nothing but run it over every time you pull in the driveway, eventually ripping this nicely made and covered phone book to shreds, and it never getting to be used to its fullest ability! What a shame, yesterday when I was there, the owner showed up and showed us a ripped up one that he had found somewhere on someones route. He looked so disappointed, not really, but he didn't look pleased and I want to please this guy, cause maybe, if I show hard work here, he may find something else for me to do in his multi faceted corporation, of sorts, after this is all over, since none of the other Red Bird ass Thugs are doing Jack!
So I bust my fanny today, delivering an entire crate of phone books, Green Pages, as they're called, which is an Eco friendly
Yellow Pages
, meaning it is made on Recycled Paper, and other friendly junk like so, to over 80 miles of Hixson, TN, grossing $80 today, and probably about $40 yesterday. That's $120, in 2 days. Totally fine for me, more than I was making at Blue Plate, and I actually had fun today! I just drove around from Red Bank to way out in Hixson, all alone just zoned out on D n' B. I just filled my front seat, level with my head, of phone books, and the entire back of my car was loaded down with books as well. My strategy was to instead of having a passenger, I would fill up the area with books, albeit helpful in tossing, in the long run a hindrance, because you will have to go and refill the car more often, than with my technique. You see you can carry more books, as well as get good at throwing them, as I did! I got rid of an entire crate today, which most of those Birds couldn't do in a week, cause they tryin' to ride the clock. You see I ran a business for my folks, back before I embarked on this quest for realness, that I am on now, which means that I know how business works.
Since I deleted my previous blog, which had all of this information on it, I guess I need to get y'all's up to date. You see, my life was extremely different! I ran my family business, or I more or less was an overpriced Babysitter for my folks, so that they could keep tabs on me, at their Dry Cleaners, named Champion Cleaners which is located at the foot of Signal Mountain, if any of you kind folk live near there, or even do dry cleaning, then you mos def should try them out, as they are and were voted Best of the Best in Chattanooga's something or other. They're good, so try 'em out! Well, tired of being treated as I previously have stated, an overpriced Babysitter, and being told different...I bolted! Now this action extremely scared these Parental Units of mine, as I had no job, training, or anything much more than an extreme love for the earth, wink, wink.
As I was saying, I quit the job in the beginning of December and had no job, nor hopes of getting a job till January, since nobody would be hiring till then anyways. So with high hopes, I went out trying every restaurant in Chatty, knowing many of the people running them, and there was nothing. Well I eventually get a job at a boushy place and I didn't last a month, or about a month. Then, discouraged, I go talk to my folks about coming back to work nights and weekends till I find a job, but they say they need me to come back and they then proceed to tell me why, and a bunch of other crap, that made me think I was in the Twilight Zone. Well I finally burst out and go talk to people, take pictures, and enjoy the nice day. Then happen upon a job at Blue Plate, which is a very nice place, but I then realized that I need not work in a restaurant any more.
As you may know by now, I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, and well I awoke one morning, supposed to be at work, and through all of the haze of the night before, I remember my Homeboy Peter telling me of this phone book job, so I call him to make sure that I have a job before quitting, yet another job, without having a job. He assures me of this job, and I proceed to have a long, quittin' my job weekend, and don't make it to work in the morning on Monday, but do eventually get my car back and get there to work with this Bird, all talkin' that N***a word on the phone to his, white, Cousin. Now I love Rap as much as the next guy, but dude, learn your roots, it's not your word! I'm not gonna get into all of that, but dude sucked! So I go back home and come in today, after having had 3 hours of sleep, and clear a whole crate, that's like 1000 books, and more than any of them Birdy Birds have done yet! Now we're back to current, and I'm gonna go kick it with my Homeboy Karliss for a bit on the porch. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!