The Jam...
A lot of Realness
Watch Out Now!

Friday, May 21, 2010
On That Note...
I don't have much to say to yens tonight. I since Sunday, things have been pretty chill. I decided to drop the price of my bedroom suit, since I found out these clubs I have are worth $1200, so I have room to play. I'll feel more up to informing y'alls tomorrow, so keep up! I think that I won't be doing this, being blogging, too very much before I leave, but make sure and stay tuned, there's gonna be some good stuff going on!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I learned most everything I learned from watching Televison...
First off I'll tell you of this weekend, Saturday night, Homeboy, still unnamed, and I were both without whips, so we catch a ride to Rhapsody. There we ponder the future of our evening. Miss Heatha' comes to pick up Homeboy, and before she arrived, I found out about a party that is right next to her house, to which once she arrived, I told her about. We eventually migrate that way, not arriving until late night! We get there, after stopping at her house for her to change out of her work clothes, as she had just gotten off of work, and it was a collection of my Best Friends from growing up, which is another party of people that I needed to see before I left. One of the only people who was not there from the group of growing up people was my Homeboy Nate. He was my very best friend growing up, and I think I have spoke of him before, but he was a huge knit in the fabric of who I am today, without him I just wouldn't be the person that I am today! Well he had already gone to sleep, seeing as he had some girl in his tent, but that's his story! He wakes up, after a while, said that he was awaken by said girl in his tent going to the bathroom and heard voices by the fire, then thought that he needed to come and see whats going on, which I'm so very glad that he did, seeing as he is on my Bucket List. This goes back to me saying that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!!!! Nate woke up so that we could kick it like we used to do All of The Time, seeing as we were in a camping setting on the regs whilst kids, so Momma wouldn't find out about us getting drunk, until the Law said something, and I do not camp anymore!!! After time I get a bit inebriated and wind up messing with the fire, as fire and drinking go together like flour and water, to make that slow dough. Of course, I end up burning the everliving Bajeezus out of myself on the back of my ankle, but it's part of it. If I had actually left this "camping adventure" without any scars or scrapes then I'd a been extremely surprised!!! Whilst there, one of the first people I saw, was my stylist, or Hair Doer, Sha-na-na, from Mitchell Robert Studios, go see her! That was one of the "reasons" I went there. My Homeboy Drew, who lives down the street from me, wakes up and is leaving for home, so I got a ride from him.
Sunday I wake, late as all, and call my ex, in order to have a night with her, apologizing for the way that I treated her in breaking up. She had told me when we first got together, that if we break up, Do Not drag it out, which is what was going on in our situation. So, in respecting her wishes, I acted like a total asshole, not like I would normally act, and that's how it ended. I felt so very bad about it, as well as just needed to let her know I appreciated her for the role she played in my life, if you read, then you know. I needed last night before I left for California. Have No Regrets in your life is one of the things I learned from my ex, and is another reason why I needed her in my life! Well I felt much better, as I hope she did also.
Today was a good day in my world!!!! I arise at 10 am and eat cereal. Our flavors of the week in cereal are Blueberry, for one, and Chocolate Delight or something along those lines. They are some Post Brand baked something or other, and I think that they would be Stellar if, and when mixed! I'm thinking tomorrow! I'm a miss TreTre and his Special Choice of Cereals when I leave. I guess I'll just have to buy my own Cereal, like a Big Boy now in California!
I sit about for quite sometime, until I borrow TreTre's whip to run to my Folks Dry Cleaners at Three. I leave the house and go to my coffee spot, being Aretha's, and meet the Fresh Meat there. I think her name is Lindsey, or something, y'all know how I am with names, and if you don''s real bad! The coffee was so extremely full that I almost wore the thing, but nonetheless it's Aretha's Espresso and was good! Then I go to the Folks Cleaners, where my Father and I sit and talk a bit about me going to Cali and how my Dog is getting there, to which I reply a dog transporting service. We then continue our talk about Cali and then he asks about my ticket, which is one of the reasons that I was there, Mama had told me they were gonna buy it and to stop by at Three on Monday. I then get online and they buy me a ticket, or I found it and bought it with their card. I leave at 6:15 on June 1, Muse just FYI, but wioll need to arrive by 5. Then we talk some more, and I leave after seeing Mama!
I then retreat home where I encounter a aggravated TreTre, who tells me some unnerving news about how he was not unhappy, or aggravated until he moved in here. I was kinda hurt, but understood. I have been a Dickhead to him, way too much for how great of a Roommate he has been to me! I only wish that he could understand how much the Shit he is, and means to me! However him and I just talked and he told me what was up, and we cleared it up a bit. I am starting up my last 2 weeks in Chatty, I gotta make them worth it! I call it my Chattanooga Bucket list, the things I have got to do before I go to Cali. I am doing a good job, but still lack a bunch of money!
Later, one of my Homies comes to pick me up, and gets more lost than anyone in the history of me living here at this spot. Granted it is confusing to get here, but I have never had anyone lost that bad! His phone was dying, which when I realized that he was lost, 20 minutes after we had last talked when he was Five Minutes away, I call and his phone had already died. After a bit, he calls back and tells me that he had to go home to get his charger for his phone and come back. He still gets Madd lost! I finally find out exactly where he is at, and get him over to my house, at which point I was STARVING and Diamonds is about to close their grill. I call into there to order food and the only thing that they had left was Chicken Fries and Tots. We, being Ryan, Zach, my computer Guru who is moving to Cali the same time that I am, and I arrive at the Spot, eat the food, and engage in spirits. I saw one of my Homies, who picked up Tim Duty and we go back to his house in order for I to check out his ramp that he had built in his back yard of Sheet Metal, which if I still skated would, try and ride, but most likely would wimp out of doing such actions. He told me that most Street Skaters are intimidated by this thing. I mean it's made of Sheet Metal, and prolly doesn't feel to good to bust ass on! Karliss calls, as I was waiting on him to get off work to Holla'. After talking with Gene for a bit, he gave me a ride home, which was just over the hill. Kariss shows up with one of his friends from work. Homeboy stays and kicks it a bit longer, but then departs briskly, after drinking a beer with us. Karliss, Mike and I sat around a bit, and since Karliss is my California Confidant, him and I discuss more about such. After some time, they leave, and I get to finish my mindless dribble to ya'll folk!
I would have to say that these past few days have been good for my Bucket List. I got to see, actually a collection of High School Memories! Nate, and those kids, Karliss, who I first met at Nate's house in High School since he was friends with his older Sister, Homeboy with the ramp, which I have heard about for years but never seen, and who also used to sell me beer when I was young in High School, Ex whom I needed to talk with in order to not leave with her thinking I was a Douche, I also obtained my plane ticket! This has been a great few days, which is why I have not been keepin' yens up, but it's time for me to bid yens adieu, and furthermore Keep it Real, and Keep Up with it! Peace!
Sunday I wake, late as all, and call my ex, in order to have a night with her, apologizing for the way that I treated her in breaking up. She had told me when we first got together, that if we break up, Do Not drag it out, which is what was going on in our situation. So, in respecting her wishes, I acted like a total asshole, not like I would normally act, and that's how it ended. I felt so very bad about it, as well as just needed to let her know I appreciated her for the role she played in my life, if you read, then you know. I needed last night before I left for California. Have No Regrets in your life is one of the things I learned from my ex, and is another reason why I needed her in my life! Well I felt much better, as I hope she did also.
Today was a good day in my world!!!! I arise at 10 am and eat cereal. Our flavors of the week in cereal are Blueberry, for one, and Chocolate Delight or something along those lines. They are some Post Brand baked something or other, and I think that they would be Stellar if, and when mixed! I'm thinking tomorrow! I'm a miss TreTre and his Special Choice of Cereals when I leave. I guess I'll just have to buy my own Cereal, like a Big Boy now in California!
I sit about for quite sometime, until I borrow TreTre's whip to run to my Folks Dry Cleaners at Three. I leave the house and go to my coffee spot, being Aretha's, and meet the Fresh Meat there. I think her name is Lindsey, or something, y'all know how I am with names, and if you don''s real bad! The coffee was so extremely full that I almost wore the thing, but nonetheless it's Aretha's Espresso and was good! Then I go to the Folks Cleaners, where my Father and I sit and talk a bit about me going to Cali and how my Dog is getting there, to which I reply a dog transporting service. We then continue our talk about Cali and then he asks about my ticket, which is one of the reasons that I was there, Mama had told me they were gonna buy it and to stop by at Three on Monday. I then get online and they buy me a ticket, or I found it and bought it with their card. I leave at 6:15 on June 1, Muse just FYI, but wioll need to arrive by 5. Then we talk some more, and I leave after seeing Mama!
I then retreat home where I encounter a aggravated TreTre, who tells me some unnerving news about how he was not unhappy, or aggravated until he moved in here. I was kinda hurt, but understood. I have been a Dickhead to him, way too much for how great of a Roommate he has been to me! I only wish that he could understand how much the Shit he is, and means to me! However him and I just talked and he told me what was up, and we cleared it up a bit. I am starting up my last 2 weeks in Chatty, I gotta make them worth it! I call it my Chattanooga Bucket list, the things I have got to do before I go to Cali. I am doing a good job, but still lack a bunch of money!
Later, one of my Homies comes to pick me up, and gets more lost than anyone in the history of me living here at this spot. Granted it is confusing to get here, but I have never had anyone lost that bad! His phone was dying, which when I realized that he was lost, 20 minutes after we had last talked when he was Five Minutes away, I call and his phone had already died. After a bit, he calls back and tells me that he had to go home to get his charger for his phone and come back. He still gets Madd lost! I finally find out exactly where he is at, and get him over to my house, at which point I was STARVING and Diamonds is about to close their grill. I call into there to order food and the only thing that they had left was Chicken Fries and Tots. We, being Ryan, Zach, my computer Guru who is moving to Cali the same time that I am, and I arrive at the Spot, eat the food, and engage in spirits. I saw one of my Homies, who picked up Tim Duty and we go back to his house in order for I to check out his ramp that he had built in his back yard of Sheet Metal, which if I still skated would, try and ride, but most likely would wimp out of doing such actions. He told me that most Street Skaters are intimidated by this thing. I mean it's made of Sheet Metal, and prolly doesn't feel to good to bust ass on! Karliss calls, as I was waiting on him to get off work to Holla'. After talking with Gene for a bit, he gave me a ride home, which was just over the hill. Kariss shows up with one of his friends from work. Homeboy stays and kicks it a bit longer, but then departs briskly, after drinking a beer with us. Karliss, Mike and I sat around a bit, and since Karliss is my California Confidant, him and I discuss more about such. After some time, they leave, and I get to finish my mindless dribble to ya'll folk!
I would have to say that these past few days have been good for my Bucket List. I got to see, actually a collection of High School Memories! Nate, and those kids, Karliss, who I first met at Nate's house in High School since he was friends with his older Sister, Homeboy with the ramp, which I have heard about for years but never seen, and who also used to sell me beer when I was young in High School, Ex whom I needed to talk with in order to not leave with her thinking I was a Douche, I also obtained my plane ticket! This has been a great few days, which is why I have not been keepin' yens up, but it's time for me to bid yens adieu, and furthermore Keep it Real, and Keep Up with it! Peace!
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