As I lie there in my bed, annoyed at the fact that I had millions of things running through my head, I still tried to go to sleep, as hard as I could. Imagining just the color Black, the face of my Muse pops up in my head, or I sit and wonder about if I will be able to make the money needed by the allotted time, or not. Then back to my Muse, I miss her terribly y'all! This will be much harder than originally expected, but I only got 3 more weeks of it left! She gave me a copy of "
Into The Wild
" by John Krakauer, and I don't know if y'all are familiar with it or not, but it is about this well-off kid, who desires to be a kind of Leo Tolstoy, as in he gives up all of his belongings and ventures across the United States from Virginia and up to Alaska. Throughout this 2 year span, of wild adventures, helped out by many a kind folk, to whom he tells his story and shares his excitement about venturing to Stampede Trail in Alaska and living off the land. He arrives there and ends up starving to death, being found by 6 people, from 3 separate parties, who travel all of this distance to this random location in Alaska 25 miles from the highway, and as he says..."These days it isn't unusual for six or seven months to pass without the bus being seen by a human visitor." My ex showed me this movie, which I always say that I appreciate her for the role she played in my life, and this was one of the actions that needed to happen that she made happen in my life! She showed me this movie, and it, most certainly, started this thought in my head about actually being able to move to California. Eventually, I started taking actions to be able to do so, as well as started kickin' it with my Muse during this whole time. We then formed a bond, and were talking one day, as I mention this movie, she tells me that she has 2 copies of the book, and that she will give me one for my trip. This made me uber happy, as I said the movie sparked something in my soul! So she gives me this copy the day before yesterday, and writes me a little message in the cover, that is so Muse that it makes me smile when I look at it! She came by and saw me today, for the last time for a bit. I guess that's why she's all over my mind!
As I lay there in bed, the words of my father keep running through my head, "I give you 3 years, and the phone will be ringing, you're saying that you're coming home." At least he is finally down with me leaving, and not saying stuff like, "It's gonna be hard Tim! I don't know if you can handle it"... and other things of that nature. I guess it took me going in there today just to talk to him and see how he was doing and just talk, and not have him yell at me about something that I have done. It was good to just be able to talk to my Father again. He seemed supportive, and told me that my Mother wants to buy my plane ticket out there, which was fine with me, saves me $200, and it's good to have their support!
After a while of me laying there, my phone rings, it's Karliss. He asks whats up, I tell him I'm laying in bed. He then says that he is sorry, and let's me go. I again attempt sleep, and have all kinds of stuff running through my head...still, then remember of the bottle of vino in my Dresser that belongs to Muse, but she had told told me to drink with my no car having ass. I pop up outta bed and holla' back at Karliss to ask him what he's up to and to grab a 12 pack and come by, as I cannot sleep. To this he says word, and is now about to show up with beer and company, so I do not have to lie there and stare at the celling. Thank you Infer-world for serving a purpose and letting me vent for a bit!
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