Tonight was Miss Abby & I night, which I was totally excited about! I woke today to Sha-na-na, who is my hair stylist, as I cannot just get my hair cut by a normal Barber cause I have, pardon the phrase, but "Black People Hair" as I've been told by many Stylists, I'm not racist, so stop the judgment!!! Growing up, when I graduated from High School, I had a huge Afro, if we be friends on FacedBook, check out my profile photo, which eventually turned into Dread Locks, hence the name Nappy. It was Booh, a.k.a. Suges, a.k.a. Muse & I but it just kept making me sad everytime that I checked my FaceCrack, because she's not around anymore, so it was a must that I changed it! Back to it, I had made an appointment yesterday at 2:45 pm to get my hair did, which I had already thought that it was a bad idea, cause since I'm unemployed and all, I don't wake till late! Well, I awake to this text from Sha-na-na asking if I was coming or not, I respond that I was on my way, threw clothes on, asked TreTre for his car and split. Luckily the place is literally right down the road from me, so I followed through with great haste! Arrive and she informs me that she had booked an appointment after me in an attempt to make some quick, extra money. I retort to her that she should not try and do anything that has to do with me, in a hurry, and that she should know that, what with her having been my stylist for the past four or five years. Then I inform her that this will be the last time that she will cut my hair until I return for my, possible baby's birth. Didn't say all that, but told her until... To this she replies about how she is sad because of that!
I leave the Mitchell Robert Studio, at the corner of Dayton Blvd. and Morrison Springs in Chattanooga, TN, looking fine as Frog Hair, mind you! I had to get it done up for Booh tonight! I then come home to go back to sleep for a minute. After a bit, Michi and Brandon come by, so I arise out of bed to greet them. We talk for a bit, and then B, I'mma call him this cause I don't like having to type out Brandon, voluntarily goes to pick up some beer, which was Much appreciated! We all kick it for a bit on the back porch, as it was a nice day out. Then Suges shows up which Mich has been wanting to meet her for a bit, cause she knows how happy she makes me! Anywho, Booh shows up, and meets Michi, which as I said is the only reason for Michi sticking around, so her & B leave, as well as Karliss, who had just shown up a bit ago, but still they left. Suges and I go to our spots, being Rhapsody and Diamond Billiards Club, I figure I'm leaving so reveal my spots, IDGAF, meaning that I Don't Give A F*Ck! Hopefully these spots may get more business and make more money, since I got so many people reading my stuff and all!
We go back to my house after these places, now her & I have had many a incredible conversation in our association, tonight was one of those locales, I thought at least! We go back to my house to col' kick it for...sometime, and then we had this talk I speak of, during which, I tell her of all of these qualities about her that I am enamored about! She is not against all of it, but nothing happened, I respect the woman with all of my being! Plus she has got a boyfriend, an appetizer, which I respect! She then leaves, and some of my Homies from Steamboat come by, since they were in town. TreTre arrives home from school early to then chill with us for a bit and then haste off to bed, which I should do as well, seeing as that would be the end of my story, but I Miss Muse...Badly!!! Have a nice morning, day & night Infer-World!
The Jam...
A lot of Realness
Watch Out Now!

Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Too Much To Think About!!!
As I lie there in my bed, annoyed at the fact that I had millions of things running through my head, I still tried to go to sleep, as hard as I could. Imagining just the color Black, the face of my Muse pops up in my head, or I sit and wonder about if I will be able to make the money needed by the allotted time, or not. Then back to my Muse, I miss her terribly y'all! This will be much harder than originally expected, but I only got 3 more weeks of it left! She gave me a copy of "Into The Wild
" by John Krakauer, and I don't know if y'all are familiar with it or not, but it is about this well-off kid, who desires to be a kind of Leo Tolstoy, as in he gives up all of his belongings and ventures across the United States from Virginia and up to Alaska. Throughout this 2 year span, of wild adventures, helped out by many a kind folk, to whom he tells his story and shares his excitement about venturing to Stampede Trail in Alaska and living off the land. He arrives there and ends up starving to death, being found by 6 people, from 3 separate parties, who travel all of this distance to this random location in Alaska 25 miles from the highway, and as he says..."These days it isn't unusual for six or seven months to pass without the bus being seen by a human visitor." My ex showed me this movie, which I always say that I appreciate her for the role she played in my life, and this was one of the actions that needed to happen that she made happen in my life! She showed me this movie, and it, most certainly, started this thought in my head about actually being able to move to California. Eventually, I started taking actions to be able to do so, as well as started kickin' it with my Muse during this whole time. We then formed a bond, and were talking one day, as I mention this movie, she tells me that she has 2 copies of the book, and that she will give me one for my trip. This made me uber happy, as I said the movie sparked something in my soul! So she gives me this copy the day before yesterday, and writes me a little message in the cover, that is so Muse that it makes me smile when I look at it! She came by and saw me today, for the last time for a bit. I guess that's why she's all over my mind!
As I lay there in bed, the words of my father keep running through my head, "I give you 3 years, and the phone will be ringing, you're saying that you're coming home." At least he is finally down with me leaving, and not saying stuff like, "It's gonna be hard Tim! I don't know if you can handle it"... and other things of that nature. I guess it took me going in there today just to talk to him and see how he was doing and just talk, and not have him yell at me about something that I have done. It was good to just be able to talk to my Father again. He seemed supportive, and told me that my Mother wants to buy my plane ticket out there, which was fine with me, saves me $200, and it's good to have their support!
After a while of me laying there, my phone rings, it's Karliss. He asks whats up, I tell him I'm laying in bed. He then says that he is sorry, and let's me go. I again attempt sleep, and have all kinds of stuff running through my head...still, then remember of the bottle of vino in my Dresser that belongs to Muse, but she had told told me to drink with my no car having ass. I pop up outta bed and holla' back at Karliss to ask him what he's up to and to grab a 12 pack and come by, as I cannot sleep. To this he says word, and is now about to show up with beer and company, so I do not have to lie there and stare at the celling. Thank you Infer-world for serving a purpose and letting me vent for a bit!
As I lay there in bed, the words of my father keep running through my head, "I give you 3 years, and the phone will be ringing, you're saying that you're coming home." At least he is finally down with me leaving, and not saying stuff like, "It's gonna be hard Tim! I don't know if you can handle it"... and other things of that nature. I guess it took me going in there today just to talk to him and see how he was doing and just talk, and not have him yell at me about something that I have done. It was good to just be able to talk to my Father again. He seemed supportive, and told me that my Mother wants to buy my plane ticket out there, which was fine with me, saves me $200, and it's good to have their support!
After a while of me laying there, my phone rings, it's Karliss. He asks whats up, I tell him I'm laying in bed. He then says that he is sorry, and let's me go. I again attempt sleep, and have all kinds of stuff running through my head...still, then remember of the bottle of vino in my Dresser that belongs to Muse, but she had told told me to drink with my no car having ass. I pop up outta bed and holla' back at Karliss to ask him what he's up to and to grab a 12 pack and come by, as I cannot sleep. To this he says word, and is now about to show up with beer and company, so I do not have to lie there and stare at the celling. Thank you Infer-world for serving a purpose and letting me vent for a bit!
Monday, May 10, 2010
In a Much Better Way!
Last night I went to sleep at like 12 or 12:30, which is early for me, but I knew that when I awoke this morning, hold up, let me back it up a bit, my Muse and I were talking the other day, and she had told me that she hadn't realized how much her body needed rest as she awoke on Monday and just felt incredible! To this I shared that I would love to wake up one of these days and feel like that. Guess what Infer-world, today was that day! I went to sleep and slept like a rock until like 10:30, and felt totally requvinized! Synapses firing correctly and what not.
Now to tell you of the evening which caused such unrest, my friends Carey and Tony, who gave me the Dope Bag on Tuesday as my Birthday Present, just seeing them and that made my whole Day, and Muse of course! Back on the train...they came down for my party also, and that surprised the ever-living bajeezus outta me, again made my day! Then I had friends from High School come by and all kinds of people! Right as I started getting ready for the evening, my boy Brooksie calls me and I instantly ask if he was in town or not. He replies that yes he was and would be for the next month, so I proceed to telling him that I was having the first of my series of going away/ buy stuff parties. He said he was on his way over. It started out great from the get go. I found a keg and had a friend come by to pick me up to go and get it. Did so and returned home, and realized that we needed ice. We then grabbed a trash can and went to get ice at the Ice Hut on Dayton, since it is 1.25 for 20 lbs of ice, where as gas stations have it for like $4.99 per 10 lbs bag. Then returned home and began preparation for the festivities. TreTre had cleaned the house top and bottom! I didn't have much to do.
People kept showing up, there were about a max of 30 people at one time. I sold all kinds of stuff. That helped out tons! I also have promises of people buying stuff that was too big to fit in their cars'. Muse wasn't there, who I missed, but she had work the next morning. We however, stayed up forever, finishing the keg, which we did not achieve until the following night. We sure did try though! That explains why I did not feel so well last night. I had fun, people said goodbye, however we failed to mention that it is an all month long affair, so come by and buy things and drink beer, and say goodbye to ya boy, Every Saturday in May.
I had decided that I was going to be leaving earlier than expected, but I do not think that will be possible. I now will be leaving at the regularly scheduled time of June 1st.
Now to tell you of the evening which caused such unrest, my friends Carey and Tony, who gave me the Dope Bag on Tuesday as my Birthday Present, just seeing them and that made my whole Day, and Muse of course! Back on the train...they came down for my party also, and that surprised the ever-living bajeezus outta me, again made my day! Then I had friends from High School come by and all kinds of people! Right as I started getting ready for the evening, my boy Brooksie calls me and I instantly ask if he was in town or not. He replies that yes he was and would be for the next month, so I proceed to telling him that I was having the first of my series of going away/ buy stuff parties. He said he was on his way over. It started out great from the get go. I found a keg and had a friend come by to pick me up to go and get it. Did so and returned home, and realized that we needed ice. We then grabbed a trash can and went to get ice at the Ice Hut on Dayton, since it is 1.25 for 20 lbs of ice, where as gas stations have it for like $4.99 per 10 lbs bag. Then returned home and began preparation for the festivities. TreTre had cleaned the house top and bottom! I didn't have much to do.
People kept showing up, there were about a max of 30 people at one time. I sold all kinds of stuff. That helped out tons! I also have promises of people buying stuff that was too big to fit in their cars'. Muse wasn't there, who I missed, but she had work the next morning. We however, stayed up forever, finishing the keg, which we did not achieve until the following night. We sure did try though! That explains why I did not feel so well last night. I had fun, people said goodbye, however we failed to mention that it is an all month long affair, so come by and buy things and drink beer, and say goodbye to ya boy, Every Saturday in May.
I had decided that I was going to be leaving earlier than expected, but I do not think that will be possible. I now will be leaving at the regularly scheduled time of June 1st.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Let me tell yens...I had the first of my new series of parties entitled,"Tim Tim's Going Away/ Estate Sale Party". The deal is $3 a cup, and if you come you must buy something before you leave! It was quite the ordeal. I feel like absolute Hell today! I woke at like 5ish and called my Momma, first thing, of course! I had missed like 20 calls also. Last night was so much that I can't even do this now. My Synapses aren't firing right! I'll get back at y'all tomorrow, just lettin' y'all know that I'm alive, and still going to California.
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