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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Estate Sale Day #1...

     Woke up today at 8AM, just like I said that I was going to, after getting to sleep around 6:30AM.  Tired as a Mutha', I went and put signs up for my sale and got TreTre and I breakfast at Bojangles, which was well deserved!  I think part of the reason that I could not sleep last night was from hunger, not that we have no food at my house, quite the opposite, but I just was too wrapped up in Estate Sale organization to have eaten dinner last night, and just snacked.  So around 3 when I twas trying to sleep, it was not working, plus that like 5 hour nap I took in the afternoon!
     After the Bojangles, someone finally showed up, they were some Randy's, but then right behind them were 2 of my Homies, who bought a CD of Pearl Jam Ten, and 2 Beck discs for $15, that was paid in check form.  But then I put on some music, The Grateful Dead, a great Rainy Day choice of chilled out, everybody can enjoy music, and Michi came through with her Mother, who bought tons of stuff, then by the lady who co-owns Rhapsody came through and bought tons of stuff as well.  Then my boys who bought not much, but something.  Then came the rain, which was torrential!  So it's been a good day so far!  Then TreTre made a lunch with Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches, a salad consisting of Spinach, Carrots, Bacon Bits, topped with a Raspberry Vinaigrette, then Garnished with Strawberries & Apples, quite the delectable mid-afternoon estate sale rainy day treat!
    The rest of my day was quite lame, with maybe 2 or 3 more customers, a lot of me sittin' on the computer, some Ramen Noodles, and Ice Cream Bar, and that's about it, well my Muse did also come by post workout, which is always excellent.  The Rain Killed our Moving Sale Round #1, and ya boy is tired, so prolly going to bed in a bit.  Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Well, thats good to hear!! Hope you got some mushroom stuff and things put baCK FOR ME!!!!


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