The Jam...
A lot of Realness
Yesterday, ya' boy clocked 101 miles
delivering phone books
. I think it was because of the Super Nutritious way that I started my day off, being I had the rest of the cereal that cereal we had for breakfast, it was Generic Almond Rasin Bran
. The funny thing about it was that when I woke up today, my Roommate got on to me cause he had not gotten to have any of it yet, as I had eaten it all. I assured him that it was delectable, as he put his hand on his hip, like a girl from the Hood, bout to go off on someone. I then go to work, 30 minutes late, didn't take a lunch. as to make up the time I missed cause I was late, and traveled throughout Red Bank and Deep Hixson, near Middle Valley. It was a long day, I came back 30 minutes late also, so Boss man
was kinda not so very happy about!
Anon in the evening, once Dan, Karliss and I linked up, we started about our night. To start the evening, we wnt to Diamond Billards Club
, had a couple of cocktails
. We grow tired of the place, and dip.
Thereupon, we go to my friend Steve's house and watch him blow some glass, which was a neat experience. Then proceed to Rhapsody to meet my Friend Abby. At which point it seemed as if the universe was working in my favor. Everywhere we went, as we left like 5 times and came back, and went to other places and back, and so on and so forth. Getting back on track, I kept on pulling up and getting Rock Star parking, which was a favorable experience. We sit there and have a few beers, and see Donia and Roberto from Aretha's. At which point, I had to go and relieve myself in the lavatory, so I tell Donia and Abby to sit and discuss for a bit. I do said action, come back to them just chatting away, about absolutely nothing! We then press on to the gas station for get cigs, which our original plan before we saw these peeps.
Upon return, Abby and I decide to get a couple more beverages
, do so and get into a deep conversation about back in the day
and about how much we love cereal in the morning, and just random convo! She goes home, as I go to my friends Tattoo studio, 777
, and talk to him for quite a bit. We wind up talking for a long time about this and that, then it turned into a discussion of getting an addition to the Tattoo he had given me a while back. After some time, and a lot of hot air, I progress towards the door. At that instant, my Homie Karliss then gets to chatting with Brent, the proprietor of this fine establishment and artist of said Tattoo, and I get to talking to the other artist there about the addition to my Tatt, which was going to be a little star above a camel that I have on my left chest, to make it kind of a scene
. However, posterior to the conversation with Homie, it turned into sand dunes
, a Palm Tree
and a moon
with a star near it...plenty more than the original simple star! I wanted this done last night, as I was feelin' good, however he didn't have his #9 needle, or something of this manner.
On the way home, we stop at Diamond's for one last drink, since it is our neighborhood bar. Here I remember the horrible news I spoke of previously, and ensue mass drinking! We get home, which is just over the hill, and Raje was home and awake, so we kicked it for a bit, then I went to sleep. I had set my alarm clock
first, seeing as I was supposed to work today, but that's for the next chapter though, I gotta keep y'all coming back....stay tuned!
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